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Our plan was in action. Jorge had returned to the Right Arm some time ago.
Newt, Thomas, Gally and I, with Teresa's help, make our way through the white hallways to the cells where the Immunes are kept.

We arrive at a staircase. "Hold on, hang on," says Gally when he sees an electrical box (or whatever it's called). “I can get in here,” he continues. Newt takes off his mask and begins to cough loudly.

We continue to the cells where the immunes are and arrive at a large iron door. When the door opens, a guard stands in the passage. Thomas shoots at him and then steps inside. We quickly follow him and shoot at all the other guards.

I open one of the cell doors and see a group of children in the room. At first they look at me with fear in their eyes, but when I take off my mask I see the relief in their eyes. "We've come to rescue you. Follow me." I tell them.

When the kids come out of their cell I see a person I didn't think I saw. "Stefanie?" I ask. She turns around and sees me. ''Y/N? What are you doing here?'''I apparently come to save you'' I answer.

Suddenly an idea pops into my head. “Guys, there's something I need to do quickly before I get out of here. Leave without me, I'll find you." I announce. ''What? You're not going alone,'' orders Newt. ''I'm not going alone, Stefanie is coming with me'' I point to the young woman who is standing not far from me.

''I promise I'll be back in time'' I tell him and then leave together with Stefanie. ''What is it you still have to do?'' asks Stefanie when we are further away from the group. ''We're going to make a cure'' I tell her and she looks at me with wide eyes.


We arrive at the laboratory. And I get the syringe with Thomas's blood that he gave to me earlier.


''Thomas? Can I ask you a question?" I asked uncertainly. ''Yes of course. Is something wrong?" He asked questioningly. "Could I take some of your blood?" I ask. He looks at me with a 'wtf 'look. ''What? Why do you need it?"

''Thomas, you may not believe me, but I think your blood is the cure," I answer him. Legitimly changes his expression to one of realization. "Do you think you can save him with that?" he asks. "I hope so," I mumbled.

"Okay, just take a little of my blood," he says after thinking about it for a while. "I trust you'll use it for good." And that's when I got a little bit of his blood.

End of flashback

''Do you think this is enough to make a cure?'' I ask Stefanie when I show her the syringe with blood. "That will be enough, I think," she replies. "Is there anything here that I can use to check if it really works?"

"Yes, wait a minute," she takes a microscope and puts it on the table in front of me. She takes a drop of the blood and mixes it with a liquid. Then she puts a little of it under the microscope and examines it.

Her mouth falls open in surprise and she looks at me with disbelief in her eyes. "What is it?" I ask. "See for yourself," she replies. I also look through the microscope and see that the blood is destroying the virus. I look at Stefanie with surprise and she smiles at me. ''It worked. We have found a cure,'' she says cheerfully. "We can finally save humanity." I answer happily.

Quickly we make a cure together and hide it in my pocket. ''Now we have to go quickly to the others, there is no time to lose'' I say and we quickly run to the exit of the building. When we get outside we see Newt, Minho and Thomas jumping out of a window into the same pond I jumped into two days ago.

We quickly walk towards them and help them out of the water. "Are you all right?" I ask the boys when they're out of the water. Before they can answer we hear guns being loaded. Four guards approach us with their weapons pointed at us. "You five, don't move," one of the guards orders.

The guards get closer. "Put your hands in the air," they command. Before they can take a step closer, one of the guards turns to the other and shoots them.

The guard who had just shot the guards walks closer and takes off his mask. "Gally?" asks Minho in disbelief. "Minho," Gally nods. He looks up at the window the boys had just jumped out of and then back at them. ''You guys are nuts''

We follow Gally and hide behind a large planter. Newt is only starting to look worse. He starts to cough very heavily, I sit next to him and take his hand. 'Hey, are you okay? '' I ask him. He shakes his head no. Minho also sits down with gel and asks "How do you feel?"

"Terrible," he replies with a small smile. "It's good to see you though"

We continue to where Brenda is waiting for us. Suddenly a loud bang is heard, I turn around and see an explosion near the great walls that protect the city.

''They had to take out WICKED, not the whole goddamn city" Gally stated as he also stared at the blast.

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Subject  B12  The survivorWhere stories live. Discover now