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I was on the train. A ticket with some writing on it that I did not even care to read was clipped to my shirt. It was already a couple of hours since I boarded. Still no sign of my stop.

I was supposed to get off at some professor's house. I was completely alone in the compartment. I wasn't complaining, at the end of the day I spent most of my time alone. I never really got to make friends. I hope it won't change now.

Right after the bombing, my father was drafted into the army, resulting in me being sent away to the countryside. My mother was never in my life. She abandoned me and my father right after I was born. I hate the woman with every bone in my body and I hate that I might have some things in common with her.

The train stopped. I looked out of the window and realized that this might be the place where I need to get off.

I stood up and reached for my luggage. It was just a small suitcase and a bag. I didn't have many things with me. Just some clothes and books.

I got out of the compartment and quickly walked through the tiny hall of the train. I stepped outside, my heart jumped a bit when I slipped on the last step and almost fell.

"Ugh, this is a great start". I sighed and looked around to see no one else in the station. It looked like I was gonna be the only visitor at the professor's. Thank god.

I walked out of the station looking for any sign of someone picking me up. I stood on my toes, chin up and I noticed a woman with glasses and a hat sitting in a sort of old-looking carriage with one horse attached. "Well this is amazing" I mumbled quietly and walked towards the carriage.

"Good morning Mrs... " Of course, I forgot her bloody name.
"Mrs. Macready. And I think you are miss Veronica Harrison," she said sharply. "Yes ma'am, that would be me." I answered trying to fake a smile.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Get on the carriage! " She spat. Oh how much I would rather be back in London, this is gonna be a disaster.


The ride to the house wasn't very long. The view from the carriage was gorgeous. The typical looking countryside. We finally reached the house. In my eyes, it wasn't a house, more like a mansion.

"C'mon get off," Macready said.

I quickly stepped out of the carriage while Mrs. Macready was unlocking the door. Once it was unlocked it revealed a big staircase. My eyes were shooting sparkles everywhere. This place is massive!

I was so amazed by the interior of the house that I completely forgot to listen to Macready.

"Understood?" She raised her eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

"Yes ma'am." I tried to seem like I knew what she was saying.

"Oh and I forgot to mention one little thing"

I looked at her, waiting for what she's gonna say.

"Other four children will be arriving by the later train this afternoon."

Oh no, this couldn't be happening.

So this is the prologue!
This is a bit short and I think the rest of the chapters are gonna be the same length too. I'm very excited for all of you to see where this is gonna go. I would love if you leave your opinion so far in the comments.



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