Chapter 13: The Homeward Winds (Canon One Shot)

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"Eyes as blue as the azure sky...that is the symbol of The Contractor"
"Ah Y/N it's so good to see you again mijo, welcome home," Gomez said as he opened his arms and waddled over from the elevated porch of the Addams' house to greet the young Contractor and his future son-in-law, hugging him after not seeing him for what felt like a lifetime since the whole parents weekend fiasco.

"Good to see you too...Mr. Addams" Y/N said struggling a bit but smiling through the feeling of having his ribs crack under the weight of what felt like ten thousand boulders that came from Gomez's bear hug, Y/N looked up to find Wednesday smirking down at him ever so slightly from the front doorway of Addams' family home getting a kick out of watching him squirm in her fathers loving yet insanely powerful grasp before he finally let go smiling at the boy while he took a much needed deep breath

"Y/N what did I tell you before? please call me Gomez we're practically family now seeing as you managed to tame our little deathtrap." Gomez said and Y/N chuckles

"I definitely wouldn't say I tamed her but...we do always have each other's back and we know how to keep one another in check I think that's what I love the most about us." He says looking up at Wednesday flashing his signature pure, contagious, loving, and idiotic smile as she turns her head away annoyed, the smallest traces of color crawling onto her face. Gomez smiles happily and grasps Y/N's hands in both of his giving them a firm and ecstatic shake.

"Wonderful just wonderful. Now come in, come in. Tish is setting the table; I hope you like Rattle Snake you know it really does taste just like chicken when prepared properly."

"So I've been told, can't wait to try it," " Y/N said trailing behind Gomez as he led the way into the house, with Wednesday walking in step right beside him, leaning in close to the idiotic Contractor before pinching into his side causing him to jerk in pain while she shot him a withering glare.

"Were the comments about you and I to my father really necessary or do you just enjoy it when I inflict pain upon you that much Yagami?" Wednesday whispered angrily and Y/N smirks completely pushing past the stabbing pain in his side

"Of course I did and I meant every word plus consider that payback for last night Addams." He quietly fires back, Wednesday just rolls her eyes and lets go of his side

"Don't tell me you're still upset over something as trivial as that?"

"Upset no, slightly annoyed yes. I come all the way over here to see you, expecting at least a kinda warm welcome, with an adorable entrance and everything only to end up sleeping outside like a stray dog."

"Only a stray dog wouldn't complain nearly as much as you do mi tormenta furiosa, It was only to avoid any possible, yet entirely unwanted, interaction that would have occurred had my parents discovered you mysteriously in my room so late at night." She explained, Y/N just pouted and crossed his arms

"I know and you're right, doesn't mean I have to like it though." He complains and Wednesday scoffs nudging him slightly

"Don't sulk, your idiotic and carefree nature is one of the few things I've come to enjoy most about you," Wednesday says and Y/N's signature smile instantly returns alongside the tiniest of smirks from Wednesday as they made their way into the dining room.
"So Y/N, how's the rattlesnake?" Gomez said with a full mouth pointing his fork across the table at the young Contractor.

"It's amazing and you weren't kidding it really does taste like chicken, you're an amazing cook, Mrs. Addams," Y/N said his mouth also full of rattlesnake before feeling a hard weight on his foot and he quickly swallows "Uh, Wednesday your foot.." "What about my foot?" She asks staring at him deadpan. "Nothing don't worry about it." He says and she nods still pressing her foot down onto his "Good." Gomez and Morticia smiled as they watched the both of them seeing glimpses of themselves in them

The Contractor (Wednesday Addams x Male Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora