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Isabella's face paled as the words repeated constantly in her mind, Queen Catherine had sent a letter asking for the De Angelo's daughters to visit her, her sisters were already picking out the latest dresses that cane from Spain; whilst Isabella wore a simple gown in dark Spanish satin.

It was quite odd that Catherine would call for a small meeting with the daughters of noble family within the King's court, since the King was away on a short hunting trip with those in his favor; perhaps she was looking for some new ladies as two of them were now mistresses of the King.
Well, Elizabeth Blout was not officially declared as the King's Mistress, yet her bastard child, Henry Fitzroy was given land and title and even a spot in line for the throne.

Rumors reached Isabella's ears that Lady Anne Boleyn had yet to sleep with the King, she wished to keep her maidenhood for her husband, and that had made the King eager to divorce Catherine for Anne.
Everyone knew why, Queen Catherine of Aragon had failed to give birth to a male heir- of course she had succeeded once, but the poor babe barely survived the week, there were whispers that the poor little Prince of Wales was murdered but no investigation was taken.
Anne Boleyn was young, healthy and untouched, the perfect traits of a wife many men seeked. In the King's mind, Anne would give him a son, bastards or not.

"If we somehow gain the Queen's favor, it will not do, the King has already made plans to replace her with that Boleyn woman." Lord De Angelo spoke, as he guided his daughters to the Queen's chambers. "It would be wise to gather the favor of the Boleyns."
"Whether Catherine holds the King's favor or not, Papa, she is still the Queen." Isabella replied, barely a whisper, afraid of prying ears. "We do not know the outcome of this visit, we will make do of whatever the outcome may be."

Lord De Angelo seemed rather surprised, now understanding why her governess stated that Isabella was wise beyond her years, and that is why Lord De Angelo furthered Isabella's education; even in subjects frowned upon to be taught to a woman.


Catherine's chambers were beautifully decorated with elegant furnishings and tapestries, the aging Queen sat on a wooden chair carved to look like a throne, her facial features dimly lit by the dying ambers of the fire.

Catherine was dressed in black and yellow, a sign of mourning, since her marriage to the King of England was indeed dying as he barely visits her or Mary anymore, her Spanish hood lying in her lap as her long, thick greying hair fell behind her like a waterfall- some of her locks framed her face.

Her keen, dark eyes watched as the remaining family with daughters of marrying age stepped into her view, instantly noticing that two of the three De Angelo daughters were overly dressed for such an occasion, the third was dressed in a simple grown, the three De Angelo sisters all indeed had similar traits yet there were differences as well.

The two overly dressed girls shared the same eye colour of blue, fair skin and dark hair, the other- from what Catherine's ladies had researched was Isabella De Angelo.
She, unlike her sisters, had fair hair, pale skin that seemed to be lightly kissed by the sun and stunning green eyes, almost like emeralds.

They were indeed pretty, little things, Catherine had wondered if Lord De Angelo purposely kept them out Henry's eyesight whenever they were in court, true whenever the King's eye began to wander that many nobles allowed their daughters to stand out amongst the rest- hoping to use them to rise from their station.

They gave their small pleasantries, curtseying low, rising once Catherine nodded. "Which of you ladies is Isabella?"
"Forgive me, your majesty." Lord De Angelo called, keeping his head lowered to the floor, his grip on his hat tightened. "Has... Has Isabella done something to offend you?"

Catherine blinked, rather surprised at his small question, she then noticed that they all seemed... Afraid.
"You have mistaken me, Lord De Angelo. Lady Isabella has yet to offend me." Catherine spoke, noticing the instant relaxation in the atmosphere.

Her eyes fell back onto the daughters instantly. "I shall ask again, which of you is Isabella?"

Isabella stepped forwards, curtseying and kept her eyes glued to Catherine's slippers that peeked under her skirts. "I am, your majesty."

Catherine rose to her feet, circling the young girl, before lifting her head up by the chin, studying Isabella's face- mainly her eyes. "You would do nicely."

"Your majesty?"
"The King has given me permission for another lady to be in my service, I wish for Isabella to fill that position." The atmosphere changed, Catherine sensed that the family had relaxed but their guards were still up, a natural reaction for a moment such as this.
"Of course." Lord De Angelo nodded, lowering his head, with Isabella's new position as the Queen's ladies- their family would slightly rise.

Isabella was quickly moved into chambers of her own, close to the Queen bedchamber, she was given light duties to begin with; such as fetching the Queen's slippers or emptying the chamber pot.

Henry had decided to visit the Queen, as Anne had pleaded with him to at least allow the union between Catherine and himself to end on friendly terms, if she agreed with divorce, then she can return to Spain with her dignity in tact and with Mary.
If Catherine fails to agree or even to listen, then he will look elsewhere, perhaps even bringing her maidenhood into question. Obviously, that was not a route he was willing to take as Catherine bled when they consummated their marriage, but many speculated that Catherine had lied about her maidenhood been untouched by his late brother, Prince of Wales, Arthur Tudor.

What he didn't expect was to see a new face amongst the Queen's ladies, well he did give her permission to pick a new lady since Anne was no longer one of her ladies, this new girl was pretty to look at- was she a hidden jewel that he failed to see when his eyes landed on Anne?

Clearing his throat, making the young thing gasp in shock and quickly fell into a low curtsey, her coloured cheeks made Henry almost laugh- she was such an innocent, little thing.

"I have come to visit the Queen."

The girl nodded as she quickly hasten her steps to announce his presence, Henry couldn't help but feel that the dress the unknown maiden wore did not do her justice, since Catherine followed strict Spanish fashions- the simple dress of dark fabric with elegant beading detailing around the cleavage and her hair was covered by a Spanish hood, fit for the Queen's ladies in waiting.

The silence between the King and Queen of England was awkward, they shared a meal in silence aside from the scraping of the utensils against the plates or the sipping of ale, Henry couldn't help but glance every now and then at the unknown maiden; something which did not go unnoticed by Catherine.

"How is our daughter?"
Catherine sipped her drink, smiling at his question. "Mary is fairing well, her governess says that she is excellent in her studies, especially in Latin."
"That is good." Henry replied, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin. "I shall visit her on the morrow once I am free from my privy council."

Henry rose to his feet, giving Catherine a small bow as she nodded her head in return. "I bid you goodnight, Madam."

Once alone, Catherine glanced over at Isabella, who seemed to be oblivious that she had caught the King's attention by doing nothing.

Perhaps, Catherine did not need to offer her help to the girl, if somehow Isabella gains the King's favor and Henry wishes to marry her instead of that Boleyn whore, she would happily agree to the divorce agreement.

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