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Henry walked through Hampton Court, whispers followed him as he felt the eyes of the courtiers followed him, watching him.

He pauses as he swears he heard the faint voice of a woman calling him, then again.
He moves towards the voice, and there he sees her, Lady Isabella, shivering in the cold, wearing a simple gown of white cotton and holding a bundle close to her bosom.

"Isabella." She instantly rushes to his waiting arms. He holds her in a protective embrace.
"Henry... It's so dark..." He is at a loss of what to say.
She has a fear of darkness?
"Henry... please protect me..." She whispers again. "Protect our son."

That was when he glanced down at the bundle she held. It was a newly born babe, and his body froze as he glanced down at the child.
His child.
His son.

His beloved Pearl, Mary, came out from hiding behind Isabella. "Please, Papa... Protect Isabella."

Henry awakes with a sudden jolt. Sweat caked his forehead as the dream was that vivid. It felt real.

"... My love?"
It took Henry several seconds to realise that he was not alone, nor was he even in his own bed.
When the festivities came to an end, guests and courtiers retired for the night, Mistress Sheldon had mentioned in confidence that Anne felt neglected as of late, since Henry's attention was occupied elsewhere, so he decided to spend the night in her chambers.

Naturally, neither initiate sex as it may harm the child within Anne's womb, they mainly spent the night reading a book of poems - well, Anne read them out as Henry laid on the bed staring at the ceiling of her room, listening. Slightly.

Then Anne fell asleep, and Henry followed afterwards, then he had that dream.
Which still haunted him.

"Nothing, Sweetheart." Henry whispers, placing a kiss on Anne's forehead. "Go back to sleep."

Henry slipped out of the bed as quietly as possible. He needed to get some fresh air and find out what this dream meant. Perhaps he could visit his astrologer.

It seemed that Henry was not the only one who could not sleep, as he noticed Isabella walking around in nothing but chemise and a night robe tightly tied to her body.

Henry's mind instantly went back to Isabella's words from his dream. It was true that it was different to the dream he had of Anne, Henry wanted to seduce Anne, whereas with Isabella... Henry wanted to protect her.

He had this need to love her, cherish her, and protect her. It was not as Isabella was weak. She was in her own right, a strong woman, but Henry felt that she was different from any normal lady.

He wanted Isabella, and after that dream of her holding his son.
Henry was determined to have her.

As he approached closer to the De Angelo woman, he noticed that she was humming. To anyone asleep, they would have oblivious to the soft tune, but not Henry.
"You have a beautiful voice, Bella."

Isabella let out a gasp, jumping in sheer fright as she turned around. "Your majesty! You frightened me."
"Still formal as ever."

"It is a habit," She laughs softly, scanning his face. "What brings you out here, your... Henry?"
"I could not sleep, I then saw you and followed, pray tell, why are you out here?"
"I, too, could not sleep either." Isabella replied, sighing softly. "For several nights, I have not been able to sleep."
"Why? What troubles you so?" Henry asked, now concerned for Isabella's wellbeing. "Unleash your burden, Bella."
"I cannot, Henry." Isabella sighed, taking a seat on the bench underneath a blooming tree.

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