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Anne rubs her small, bulging stomach, with a pleased look upon her face.
"The King's physicians say that the babe will be a boy." She cooed, excitedly wondering who their son would take after.
Elizabeth Boleyn glances up from her needlework, giving her daughter a disapproving glare. "Boys are always predicted during pregnancies, Anne. Physicians, especially royal physicians, are given gold for those words, and there is always a chance they are correct."

Anne narrows her eyes, huffing in annoyance. "The astrologer says it will be a boy, also."
"He is a charlatan, Anne. You of all people should know this." Elizabeth stated, cynically, fighting the urge to roll her eyes towards foolish hope of birthing a son.
Anne slams both hands onto her bed. "I say it will be a boy, mother, leave it as that." She shouts like a toddler. "I do not wish to hear more of your negative responses."
Elizabeth stares at her daughter flatly until she finishes her short tantrum, surprisingly keeping her responses to herself. It had been like this ever since Anne's pregnancy was confirmed. Bickering between mother and daughter, moments like these made Elizabeth miss Mary more, but her eldest daughter was married and had children of her own to look after.

Anne's room itself was stuffy. The fire was stoked to an unbearable heat. For Anne, she was dressed in nothing but her chemise and felt quite comfortably warm. But for Elizabeth, Madge Sheldon, and Jane Boleyn, it was cumbersome, to say the least.

Elizabeth was only trying to prepare Anne for the disappointment of a girl, but Anne was adamant that she would birth the king's son.
A bastard, but a son nonetheless.

It would also be proof that Catherine had failed to do her duty as Queen by providing an heir for England, and Catherine's womb was now barren, even if by some miracle that was untrue - the King does not visit her bed anymore and if she becomes pregnant in the bear future, it would be proof that the King is not the father.

There was little for Anne to do at court besides attending feasts and mingling with courtiers, Thomas Boleyn, George, and Norfolk were busy securing allies in case things with the King went south. They are hopeful that Anne will secure a worthy match the moment the King lose all interest in Anne. The two potential suitors that came up in discussions were John Butler and the widower, Sir William Compton.


It was another month of festivities, apparently rumours stated that it was to celebrate the pregnancy of the King's bastard with his Maîtresse-en-titre, Anne Boleyn, others stated that it was to celebrate the end of the King's marriage to Catherine.

After Isabella's morning wash, she broke for fast and joined the Queen's ladies to join the festivities. Even Princess Mary travelled from Ludlow Castle to join in the celebration.
Isabella was dressed in a dark green gown, with emerald beading and white lace lining the bodice and silver embroidery decorating the sleeves. This was one of the many dresses gifted to her by the King.

Everyone was outdoors, from lowly ranked Lords to the Duke of Suffolk since the weather was being kind, the harsh coldness that surrounded Hampton Court was now gone which was pretty unusual weather for the middle of September.

There were many tents set up for feasting and dancing, music was coming from the nearest tent and Isabella immediately noticed Anne Boleyn walking around with a flock of court ladies loyal to her family, all fussing over the pregnant woman, it was a bold move for Anne to show off her bulging stomach with the Queen so close by.

There was even a field created for jousting, Isabella paled as she remembered attending to her first jousting tournament and could not comprehend why knights do something so dangerous, she was instantly brought out of her thoughts by her father.

Isabella glances at the emerald green ribbon he placed in her hand. "Take this ribbon as a favour. Give it to any man that asks for it."
Lord De Angelo sighed, taking hold of the ribbon, and tied it to her wrist. "It is to give them luck during the joust."

Isabella rejoins the Queen's ladies, immediately noticing that Jane Seymour was missing from amongst the Queen's ladies, yet Catherine seemed unbothered by it.
"Lady Isabella," Catherine spoke, hiding her smirk behind the fan as she leaned towards the younger lady. "I have good intent that his majesty may ask for your favour."

A flush of colour danced across Isabella's cheeks as Charles Brandon approached the Royal box, bowing to Catherine as he locked eyes with Isabella. "Your majesty, may I borrow Lady Isabella?"
Catherine waved her hand, immediately distracted by the presence of the Princess Mary.

"The King wishes to see you." Charles whispers as he escorted Isabella to one of the large tents, where Henry stood putting on armour.

"Lady De Angelo, your majesty." Charles spoke, making Henry look up, and a smile came upon his face.
"Leave us." He commands towards Brandon and the groomsmen, and they immediately left Isabella alone with the King.
Once alone, Henry crosses the space that separated them and bowed, which earned a deep curtsey from Isabella.

"My Lady, as I can not ask this of you in public to save your reputation and Catherine's pride, may I have the honour of wearing your favours?"
Henry wishes to wear her favours?

"You may, Henry.... But... I... Never mind,  it does not matter." Isabella hesitates.
"What is it, Bella?"
Isabella sighs. "I had thought you would have asked Lady Anne for her favours."

It seemed that the whispers of the King keeping a distance away from Anne ever since her pregnancy was revealed were true, but Isabella wondered how long it would be until Anne shared the King's bed again.

"It is because I do not wish to wear Anne's favours, Bella, I wish to wear yours."
Isabella nods as she removes the ribbon, handing it to Henry. "I pray to God to keep you safe in the tournament, my King."
She watches with wide eyes as Henry takes the ribbon, placing a small peck on the emerald silk and tucking it in between the armour covering his chest... Close to his heart.

Charles escorted her back to the Royal box, where Anne Boleyn sat along with her family. They never paid Isabella any attention as she returned to her place beside the Queen. Isabella lifted the sleeve of her gown, showing Catherine her bare wrist, earning a small laugh from the aging Queen, which was drowned out by the blaring of trumpets as the jousting tournament began.

Player after player, Knight after Knight were thrown from their horses and Isabella flinched to think how painful that must be, soon it was Henry's turn and he was going up against some unknown Knight.
"His majesty, the King!" A man shouts as all eyes fell onto the King as he trotted out on his stallion. He gave Catherine a bow of his head as she curtseyed in return, Henry glanced over at Anne and then immediately locked eyes with Isabella.

As the horses raced towards each other, the horse that held the King's rival slid and fell on the wet ground, taking the jouster with it and crashed into the horse that Henry rode, sending both men to the ground.
Everyone waited with battered breaths to see if one or both men picked themselves up, Isabella takes a hold of Catherine's hand as they silently prayed that Henry rises.

After what seemed like forever, Henry slowly began to rise to his feet, soon the crowd erupted into applause as King Henry VIII stood back up, winning the tournament. The other jouster was taken to infirmary tent as Henry was given the winner's prize - a crown of flowers. The crowd watched with keen eyes as he approached the Royal box, Anne stood to her feet, the attending courtiers thought it was very bold of Anne to think the King would give her the flower crown when the Queen was right beside her.

Yet, Henry did not hand the crown of flowers to either Anne or Catherine.

He handed it directly to Isabella.

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