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To say that the next night was awkward was an understatement, Henry dined with Isabella and Anne Boleyn, as the night went on - Isabella fiend tiredness due to her pregnancy and retired.

Jane Seymour was the one that offered to stay to attend to Anne, even though she had her own ladies, but Henry allowed it as Isabella had no issues with dismissing one of her ladies.

Henry noticed that Jane seemed to be attending him rather than Anne, filling up his goblet, several times her hand accidentally or purposely brushed against his own.
Whenever he glanced over at Jane, a flush of colour danced across her cheeks, her innocent façade becoming rather... borish to look at.

Anne's eyes darted between Henry and Jane, hiding a smirk as Henry seemed rather annoyed with Jane's attempts of gaining any attention from the King, she cleared her throat and took hold of his hand.

It was time to do what Isabella had said, time to remind Henry why he chose her as his Maîtresse-en-titre.

"Henry," Anne whispers softly, gaining the King's attention. "It has been near a month since you last visited my bed..."
Henry almost choked on his ale, he had been focused more on Isabella's pregnancy and the war with Spain.

"Would you like to visit my, lonely and warm bed?" Her tone was a soft, welcoming sound to Henry's ears, he nodded his head eagerly as a smile danced across Anne's face.

Anne dared to sneak a peek at Jane, the Seymour girl had a look of fury upon her face as she once again failed to get any attention from the King, Jane was not exactly beautiful - she was rather plain looking against the rest of the eligible noble ladies in the English court, she would never stand out in the French court, even with help of fabrics and make up.

Against Isabella, Jane Seymour was rather bland to look at, though her family status would find her a good match. Perhaps then she can produce beautiful daughters and healthy sons.

And speaking of sons, Norfolk threatened to disown Anne if she did not birth a son from the King, perhaps she should voice her concerns with Henry.


"What ails you, sweetheart?"
They laid under the sheets, as naked as the day they were born, Anne glanced up and stared at Henry's face.

They shared a passionate night together, the sun began to slowly rise, threatening to tear their time together apart.

Henry narrowed his eyes at the mention of Anne's uncle. "And what of Norfolk?"
"He dares to threaten to disown me if I do not give you a son." She whispers, afraid the man would suddenly turn up. "And I am not quite sure, but I believe he plans to harm Isabella or the babe in her womb."

That made Henry sit up. "What?"
"He states that if her majesty births a Prince of Wales, my time as your Maîtresse-en-titre is over..." Anne spoke, covering her naked form with the bedsheets. "I am not sure what he plans to do, but I know he has plans to kill the babe in Isabella's womb."

Henry rose to his feet, getting dressed quickly as he pulled the doors to Anne's chambers open, glancing at his groomsmen waiting for his orders.

"Get me Norfolk! I do not care if he is sleeping. Bring him to me now!"


Henry paced in front of the fireplace with Anne soothing Elizabeth as the child woke up due Henry's loud yelling, they heard Norfolk's voice before he was presented in front of the King and Anne.

The man was wearing traditional nightclothes, though he wore no robe and was missing a slipper, perhaps it was due to being dragged out of his chambers with no warning.
Following Norfolk was the Howard family, Thomas and Elizabeth Boleyn were amongst them along with Lord and Lady Rochford, Jane Parker supporting her heavily pregnant belly.

Anne immediately ordered for a chair for Jane to be brought, as Norfolk stepped forwards, eyes darting between his niece and the King.

"What is the meaning of this?"
Henry arched an eyebrow, he knew Norfolk was a proud man, but he never knew he was a foolish one.

"It has come to my knowledge that you plot to harm your Queen, my wife." Henry spoke, his voice was calm but filled with malice towards the Duke of Norfolk.
"Your majesty is mistaken! I would never wish harm upon her majesty or the Royal child she carries!"
"Ah, so you say that your niece is lying then about threatening to disown her if she fails to provide me with a son when I have a bastard son already and a Prince of Wales on the way?"

Norfolk stood there, looking like a fish out of water, his eyes landing on Anne. "I..."
Henry held his hand up for Thomas Howard to stop speaking. "I am giving you two options for a man of your wealth and status," He spoke. "You may return to Norfolk, spend the rest of your life there and never return to court."
Norfolk dared to ask. "And the other option, your majesty?"

Henry's eyes turned dark, narrowing slightly as he stared Norfolk down. "You will be charged with treason, your household be stripped of their titles and you will be sent to the Tower to live out the remainder of your life, however long that may be."

With his back straight, Henry dismissed Norfolk with a wave of his hand. "I expect an answer before morning mass, Norfolk."

Thomas Howard had decided to choose exile, many believed it was because the man was greedy and would rather live and keep his wealth, others believed it was because his sons needed something to inherit but who would want to marry in to a family that has been shunned and exiled from the English court?

There was no farewells exchanged between the Howards and the Boleyns, as Thomas rather be gone quickly than anger the King anymore than he already had, though he wished Thomas Boleyn luck in controlling Anne to the best of his ability.

Anne watched from her chamber windows as the carriage containing Norfolk, holding Elizabeth as she played with Anne's Pearl necklace, Isabella was beside her, rubbing her pregnant belly as the babe had begun to become restless, Anne prayed that the child Isabella carried was indeed a boy as she had become quite close to the young Queen ever since she shielded her from anymore of Norfolk's verbal and physical abuse. Anne even began to distance herself from her own family, though it broke her heart to do so which stopped her from officially disowning her family completely, she still was on talkable terms with her mother and George, though her father was another matter.

And this incident with Norfolk... it may put more strain on her fragile relationship with her father, though Anne did not care as she had her daughter and Henry.


Jane knew she had to get the King's attention more now than ever before, she needed to make Thomas happy and becoming the King's Mistress seemed more easy than becoming Queen as Isabella seemed more of a hassle to get rid of then they originally had thought.
Now that the Whore Queen was pregnant, if she provides England with an heir, then Thomas's plan will be all for nought.

Thomas had been in a mood ever since the Parrs decided it would be best for Catherine Parr to marry John Neville, third Baron Latimer, when Thomas had found out about the marriage from one of their spies within the Parr household, he almost stormed the church to stop the wedding but was stopped by their father and Edward.

Thomas was then placed under guard at Wolfhall for a fortnight, leaving Jane alone to continue on with the plan.

Jane paused in front of the mirror, a hand gliding over her bare womb, imaging his majesty's child growing there.

Jane had already spent coin on a phenomenon elixir that would draw a man's attention, or so the old crone she brought it from had stated, so far it had worked on every man but the King.

Tonight, the King dines with Isabella before she begins her confinement, as her pregnancy was considered high risk therefore she must start her lie in earlier than predicted.

Jane would use this opportunity to seduce the King.

This elixir has to work.
She needs it to work.

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