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"How fairs my daughter?" Lady Wiltshire, Elizabeth Boleyn asked, knowing that Isabella has been keeping Anne Boleyn company ever since she lost her child, Thomas Boleyn was a wreck; almost demanding to know what Anne had done to lose the child.

"She shall recover in time, I believe." Isabella replied with a small smile as she sipped her tea. "The physician prescribed her a tonic to help her since she still has frequent cramps, even though the child is no longer. Lady Elizabeth and  Duke of Richmond keep her spirit high."

"That is good," Elizabeth replied, eyeing the Queen's ladies, noticing that one was missing. "His majesty was morose during the privy council meeting, from what my Lord husband had told, he has no doubt that it reminded him of the children he had lost with the Dowager Princess."

Anne's miscarriage will no doubt be used against her by their enemies wishing to tear the Boleyn family down, Thomas Boleyn was already seeing noble Lords, Earls and Dukes of low and high birth stations flaunt their unmarried daughters in front of the King.

Though, Elizabeth knew Isabella was not a fool nor was the Queen blind to the games that the courtiers were playing.

"I pray that Anne recovers quick, and mayhaps God would grant his majesty another Fitzroy."


Preparations for Elizabeth's first birthday were well underway, and Anne could feel the weight lifting off her shoulders as her children, Lady Elizabeth and Duke of Richmond, were welcomed back at court.

Henry Fitzroy had flourished under the great care of Lady Elizabeth Fitzwilliam from the letters both the King and Anne received, and even the physicians were amazed that the once sickly boy was actually healthy.

Elizabeth was given her household in Pembroke, with Lady Bryan and Mistress Madge Sheldon overlooking the little girl's care, Isabella had gifted Elizabeth a few new bolts of fabric to make into dresses fit of her position as the daughter of a Marquess but also the illegitimate daughter of a King.

Surprisingly, Princess Mary was also welcomed back at court and was a devoted sister to her younger siblings, whispers of courtiers spotting Mary holding hands with Elizabeth and helping Charles to walk.

Henry had yet returned to her bed as physicians recommended that she rest more before resuming anything physical related, like horse riding or engaging in sexual activities, they would not risk her health or the life of another babe should the same misfortune occur.

Anne believed that Henry was occupied with Isabella's pregnancy, as the Queen was more tired than usual, and whispers circled court that the babe looked much bigger than the pregnancy with Charles.

Some even stated that the labour would be traumatic for the Queen's body, and she may become barren afterwards, like George's wife, Jane Parker.

Little Thomas Boleyn, future heir of Rochford and Wiltshire, favoured the Boleyn bloodline more than Jane's, even though he disliked his wife - George could not hate his son.

George would present the small boy every chance he could, even mentioned that he would be a good companion for the Crown Prince.

Anne's thoughts turned dark and jealousy was adamant in her heart, Isabella had given Henry what he wanted most, and she was pregnant with another Prince; Anne was quite sure of this and it broke her heart that she couldn't give Henry a living son.

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