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It was against Royal protocol for a man to enter the Queen's chambers during her confinement. It started by Margaret Beaufort, Henry's grandmother, when Elizabeth of York was pregnant with Arthur.

But, there was no rule against the King waiting in the outer chamber, Isabella had wanted Henry to hold her hand during the birth of Charles as she was scared to do it alone.
But she had her sister there as well as Anne Boleyn, but they were not here now as Lucrezia was a married woman, and Anne was still recovering from her miscarriage.

The Queen was in labour for most of the night, and the babe did not want to come into the world, Isabella was sure this was to be her deathbed.
Anxiety settled in as Isabella struggled again to push. Her ladies and midwives were rushing about with bloodied towels and jugs of soiled water, Isabella distracted herself by counting how many times they came and went.

Isabella was pulled out of her thoughts as Anne Boleyn, followed by Catherine Willoughby, Duchess of Suffolk, burst into the room. To those present, both women seemed calm, but Isabella could see the panic within their eyes as the babe had yet to be born.

"The babe is crowning, your majesty! Push!"

Isabella got to her feet. "I can not!" Her eyes immediately fell onto Anne as the older woman took hold of her hands, interlocking their fingers.
"Yes, you can. You must, Isabella. You can not give up. Your young son needs you, and this child needs you... His majesty needs you." Anne spoke. There was not a single doubt in her voice.

Catherine Willoughby took hold of Isabella's other hand, both women guiding the Queen as she pushed. The intense pressure and pain were soon gone.

"It is a girl, your majesty."
Isabella felt disappointed that it was not the second son that Henry wanted. She watched as her daughter was cleaned and wrapped in a cloth of white and gold, and a tuff of blonde curls could be seen.

"You hear that, Isabella, a Princess for England."

Isabella was about to respond only to release another painful scream, louder than before, her body curling into itself as a torrent of blood rushed down the young Queen's legs; staining the floor crimson.

Her screams had caused the newborn baby to scream as well. Her daughter had a good pair of lungs.

"What is happening?!" Catherine yelled, glaring at the lead midwife and physician. "What is wrong with the Queen?!"

"There is another, your grace!" The physician called, eyes widened. "Twins!"

Just as before, the pain was intense, and soon, there was another newborn baby crying echoed loudly.

"What is it?" Anne called, taking a peek at the babe and spotted dark Auburn curls upon its head.

"A boy." The physician spoke. "Smaller than that of his sister, but nonetheless healthy."

Anne swallowed her jealousy, turning to face the exhausted Queen. "Did you hear that, Isabella? You have done it. The King has another son."


Isabella was freshly cleaned and changed. Her eyes glanced down at both her children, and they were utterly perfect.

Whilst her daughter favoured the De Angelo bloodline with golden locks, her eyes were all Henry's, her second son, had dark auburn curls and green eyes.
Henry burst into the room, pausing as he took in the sight. He did not believe when the physician and midwives stated that Isabella birthed twins; but yet here she was holding them both.

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