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Chapter thirteen ~ queen of mean

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Chapter thirteen ~ queen of mean

Janes birthday had Carlos running around in a frenzied panic, trying to ensure everything was perfect for his girlfriend.

"I think she's gonna like the cake, you guys" He says happily to Evie, Philomena and Jay who help him with his girlfriend's birthday party preparations.

And then he opens the box and his pleased smile slips from his face completely.

"Okay who got into Janes cake?!" Carlos was already stressed, and now Janes cake was ruined? He had just about had enough. Why was organising a birthday party so difficult? He wonders this with a small frown in his face, looking sadly at the cake.

Carlos eventually gets over the sadness, in its place he gets noticeably panicked. Phina eventually has to intervene, she thinks Carlos might go into cardiac arrest if she doesn't.

She attempt to calm Carlos down with the breathing techniques her mother had taught her. he just begins to relax when they see a bright flash of green followed by a scream that sounded like Mal.

Dropping everything and rushing outside Phina and the group look around shocked at the scene in front of them.

Philomena's large brown eyes look at Audrey who wears a crown and holds maleficents glowing sceptor in her hands.

Her appearance is darker, her hair brown hair now a mixture of dark pinks and purples. She wears a dusky pink and purple outfit to match her new hair colour. Her eyes are rimmed with eyeliner too though not as extreme as what Harry Hook usually wore.

What on earth had happened to her?

Phinas eyes dart to Mal to see if she is okay but the girl looked far from it.

She is hunched over and covered by an old cloak but Phina can still see her face. She has to refrain herself from gasping in shock when she sees that Mal no longer looked young and beautiful.

No, instead she bore wrinkles and warts and her hair was white as snow. Audrey had transformed Mal into an old hag.

Phina was not best not best pleased with Audrey to say the least.

"So long suckers" Audrey calls with a smirk and disappears into a cloud of pink smoke. Phina clenches her jaw and balls her fists in frustration. Everything was going fine until Audrey just had to ruin it.

It seems Jay had only just noticed Mals new look as he jumps back in shock.

"You uh...might want to think of a spell for that"

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the sceptor" Mal tells her friends, though her voice is croaky like that of an old person to match her appearance.

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