Chapter 9

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Chan never brought up the incident at the restaurant, He knew it wasn't his place, he knew Felix would tell him when he was ready. He was curious, of course, but he knew better. He knew if he just waited Felix would soon open up. Days went on though, letting the event become a distant memory. Felix was told what happened after he came back when he was with Minho. He totally threw a tantrum until Minho explained that he got him out of there before anything suspicious happened. So he let it go.

Plus Felix had other things to worry about.

The blonde tugged at his stomach, drug his small fingers across the sea of stars on his cheeks. Tattered his blonde locks wondering if it was really a good idea if he went blonde. Tugged at his small arms -why do they look so flimsy- ran his hands upon his chest. -I look so ugly and small-

He sighed as he threw his hands to grip the counter top. Letting his mind wonder as he stared at the sink, letting the noise of the shower become static to his ears as he zoned out. This was one thing Felix hated. His body, the system per say. He had been fronting for three days now and he's beginning to notice things that he didn't like. He's been stuck in his head for so long he forgot what day it was, the time, like he's been stuck on repeat. That was his problem. That's why Felix hated fronting for so long anyway. He wasn't comfortable somedays and the more days he'd be out the more he thought about how he really looked.

Then again, everyone thought Felix was fine, acted sweet, and looked cute. They all loved Felix and some even more when knowing about him having D.I.D. People would call him cute or be amazed by his deep voice. Loved his freckles and how there were so many. Loved his Australian accent and how he sometimes stumbled over Korean words.

Still, he hated it. Hated that he was small and not more muscular, hated his soft tone instead of defined structures. Hated that he stood out with his freckles wherever he goes. Hated how he should be better at Korean by now but isn't. Hated that he had D.I.D in the first place. It made him say less, know less, talk a little quieter, and minded his own business. Kept him out of the crowds, kept him from parties, kept him inside.

"Felix...are you okay? You've been in there for a while." Chan hollered from outside the door.

The blonde didn't respond, only looked at the door, trying to come back to reality.

"We have Classes in thirty minutes.." He spoke again and it caught Felilx's ears. He cleared his throat understanding he just might want to answer back.

"Okay Thanks. I'm...ya I'm fine! I'll be out soon." and with that he turned and headed into the shower.

Finally coming out of the bathroom, Felix caught Chan putting on his shoes and soon smiling at him after. Felix could feel his heart skip a beat for a moment, confusing him a little he averted his eyes to the floor. -why would my heart...-

"Ready to go?" Chan asked as he opened the door.

"Oh you don't have to walk me to my class Chan, it's okay."

"But I always do?"

Felix smiled softly. " Jisung invited me to try a hand at pottery since he does it. I don't want you to walk all that far and have to walk all the way back to your own..." He also wanted to try and clear his mind before hanging out with Jisung, but he didn't say that.

"Are you sure?" the taller asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Felix began to head out of the dorm. "Yes I'll be okay. I'll see you for our next class." then hurried away down to the elevator.

Yeonjun now co-conscious-

-It's not that far Lix, why didn't you just let him?-

Felix enters the outside, letting the fall breeze kiss his ears as he heads down the sidewalk. "Because...I'm not a lost dog, I don't need to be walked around all the time."

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