Side Character

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The one that tries and tries,
But never gets the guy.
The one only there to continue the story;
To let the main character shine.
The one that watches from the side lines,
Watching the story unfold;
Only wishing she was the one to tell it.
The one for comic relief,
The one to make sure the main character concours their goal.
She’s created from a mind that is not her’s;
Created to follow and obey,
To never make a scene and outshine the main character.
The one who’s the ugly laughing stock,
To never be the prettiest in the room.
Sometimes my life feels like the one of a side character,
Watch everyone succeed and be happy.
To be the one without love,
To be the best friend,
To be the one nobody notices,
To never be the prettiest one in a room.
To watch on the side lines.
When will it be my turn to be the main character of my own story?

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