Growing Up

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I used to be a little girl
Attached to my mom's hip
But that was before I started school
First day of Kindergarten
I grew up
I made friends even though it was scary
I explored the world
That wasn't revolved around my home
I went onto 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade
I grew up
Learning new things and having new experiences
My first sleepover at my best friends house
First night away from home that wasn't with family
Before I knew it I was in 8th grade
I grew up
Middle school was a punching bag of emotions
It knocked me down
Pulled at my heart
And made me realize the cruelty of the world
And now
I'm in 10th grade
I grew up
I got my learners permit
I drove for the first time
How did I grow up so fast?
16 years flew by a little too quick
But soon I'll be 18
With a license and a diploma
Making stupid choices
Only to make the same ones over and over again
Then, I'll be 25
Fully grown up
Learning from thoes previous mistakes
And making better choices from them
Growing up is scary
I'm not ready
Even though
I'm have way through it already

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