Things I Hate

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I hate the sound of nails on a chalkboard.
The screeching makes my arms grow goosebumps.

I hate the ocean,
So deep, dark, mysterious.
You'll never know if a dangerous animal is beneath your feet.

I hate spiders.
They're so tiny and small,
Crawly and quick.
Never know when it might bite you or crawl in your ears.

I hate being sticky,
It makes my skin feel so icky.
I want to rip out of my skin like it's a tight bodysuit.

I hate loud noises,
I flinch and coward at every sudden one.

I hate a lot of things,
Not really a good quality of mine.
I'm not proud of it, but I can't help what I like and hate.
Can't fit it in a poem, book, or essay,
So I'll save telling people till I need to complain.

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