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I help others
Not Myself
I don't know how to.

It's seems quite simple
But it's a temple
Too many passage ways and dead ends trying to get to the treasure

I help others to feel good about myself.
Who am I if I don't serve a purpose?
I'm a nurse on the battle grounds of war tending to the wounds of soldiers.
Being a soldier is scary, even worse when you have to be your own nurse.

I leave myself in the background
I push myself to be the greatest
I'm too hard on myself
I stretch myself too thin and expect more of myself than everyone else.

Self love isn't something I'm good at.
How does one just love themselves?
I can't grasp it.
Hell can't grasp that people love me to begin with.

I want help
But I can't get it.
I'm not going to be the selfish solider making another tend to my wounds when no nurse is available.
If I got myself in this mess
I can deal with the consequences
Even if it means being in pain and running myself dry to please and help everyone else.

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