~Chapter 3~

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Kionpaw closed his eyes, but then quickly opened them, "Don't fall asleep!" "What was that?" Ranipaw turned to him.

"Oh for StarPride's sake shut up. We're supposed to be quiet!" Kiarapaw rolled her eyes. Kionpaw and Ranipaw looked at each other, them laughed.


The four apprentices turned around and saw Fallonstar raising an eyebrow. "If I'm not mistaken, you four were talking?"

Kionpaw sighed, "Yes Fallonstar. We were. But it's not Kiarapaw, Baliyopaw, or Ranipaw's fault! It's mine. I started the play fight with Ranipaw and then I accidentally made Kiarapaw and Baliyopaw talk. Please! Don't delay their apprenticeship! Do mine instead!" Kionpaw pleaded.

Fallonstar looked at him, suprised, "You just admitted to everything. You know that right?" Kionpaw nodded and lowered his head.

An amusing smile crept across Fallonstar's face, "Because you admitted to it, your apprenticeship won't be delayed." Kionpaw was about to jump with joy, but Fallonstar kept speaking.

"But, for a whole moon, you must check the Elders for fleas and ticks, change their bedding, and get them food. Of course you'll still do battle training, but the Elders will be your first priority," Fallonstar explained.

Ranipaw giggled behind Kionpaw. Kionpaw sighed and nodded, but then smiled, "Our Elders have to be cared for. And it would be an honor if I was the one to do it! Can I start now?"

Fallonstar chuckled, "Yes you can." Kionpaw ran to the fresh kill pile and grabbed a gazelle. He dragged it into the Elders den.

"And as for you three, you'll be doing whatever you mentor tells you. Remember, if you disobey, you'll be doing Kionpaw's 'punishment' though it isn't really a punishment if he enjoys it so much," Fallonstar looked at them with amusement in his eyes.

The three apprentices nodded and waited for their mentors to wake up.

Kionpaw dragged the gazelle into the Elders den.

Freckledawn and Tigerwhisp were still asleep so he went to the Medicine den. "Dapplepaw?"

The small gray male lion yawned and stretched, "What's up Kionpaw? How was your vigil?"

"Well, I'm stuck on Elders duty for a moon for talking," Kionpaw chuckled. Dapplepaw laughed, "I'm assuming with Ranipaw?" Kionpaw nodded.

"I figured," Dapplepaw smiled. "So what are you here for?" "I need mouse bile for the Elders ticks," Kionpaw explained.

"Ah first time on tick duty," Dapplepaw smirked. "Have fun. Remember, after your done, don't lick your paws clean, unless you want the taste in your mouth for several seasons. You need to wash then in a puddle or river."

Kionpaw nodded. Dapplepaw out the mouse bile on the end of a stick and gave it to Kionpaw. Kionpaw grabbed the end in his mouth that didn't have the mouse bile. He waved his tail in thanks and ran to the Elders den.

Freckledawn and Tigerwhisp were up now, eating the gazelle Kionpaw had brought in earlier.

"Hi Kionpaw!" Freckledawn smiled. "Hi Freckledawn. How are you?" Kionpaw set the stuck down and grabbed the mouse bile with his claws. He searched through Freckledawn's fur for ticks.

"I'm doing just fine this morning. Thanks for asking," Freckledawn replied, settling herself into the moss.

"How about you Tigerwhisp?" Kionpaw asked, turning to the pale lion. "I would be fine if I didn't have this tick biting the back of my neck," He growled.

"Hold on Freckledawn. I'll come back to you in a second. I want to get this tick off of Tigerwhisp before something bad happens," Kionpaw explained.

The orange and white lioness nodded, setting her chin onto her paws.

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