~Chapter 9~

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Kionroar was angry with his sister. He couldn't believe she had broken the warrior code! Of course, he did, but that was only to safe Amberpaw's life, who was Amberstone now.

Ranileaf noticed Kionroar looked angry. She padded up to him, "Kionroar? Are you alright?" "No! Kiarastream broke the Warrior code!" Kionroar snarled.

Ranileaf backed up, scared. Kionroar realized what he did and sighed, "I'm sorry. I'm just really stressed out right now."

Ranileaf nuzzled him, "It's all right. I understand." "I just...I can't believe Kiarastream is mates with a lion from another pride," Kionroar admitted.

"The heart wants what the heart wants Kionroar. Even if it's against the warrior code," Ranileaf replied.

Kionroar looked away.

"Just, don't tell anyone about this Kionroar. Kiarastream will be on so much trouble. Who knows what Pytrostar will do to her if he finds out what she was doing," Ranileaf stated.

Kionroar nodded, knowing how cruel Pytrostar was, "I won't tell anyone."

"Except me of course," Ranileaf smiled and nudged him. Kionroar chuckled, "Of course."

Dymlight had overheard Kionroar and Ranileaf's conversation. He thought of a plan and ran to Pytrostar's den, "Pytrostar!"

"Come in," Pytrostar growled. Dymlight walked in.

"I'll just go straight to the point. Kiarastream is seeing another male from the FangPride. I overheard Kionroar and Ranileaf talking about it. I also saw it with my own eyes. And, Kiarastream said she was expecting Kovuclaw's cubs," Dymlight explained.

Pytrostar was enraged, "She can't be with a lion from another pride!" "I agree. So, I know you're going to punish her. But, in exchange for me telling you, will you let my, and Frostfur's future cubs wait six moons before being apprenticed?' Dymlight asked.

Pytrostar thought for a moment, then nodded, "Very well. Now, if you'll excuse me. I have a lioness to deal with." Pytrostar walked out of his den.

Kiarastream was in the nursery, when suddenly, she screamed. Nalapool, Shinetail, Blinenight, and Frostfur were instantly at her side.

Kiarastream cried in pain again. "She's giving birth!" Nalapool shouted. The lionesses instantly got readyto help, but Frostfur didn't. She was expecting cubs herself, and couldn't help.

Pytrostar walked into the den, and his eyes widened.

Nalapool noticed him. She growled and approached him, "Get out." Pytrostar smirked, "I have to speak with Kiarastream."

"No you don't! She's giving birth. Now get your lazy ass out of here before I claw you to shreads!" Nalapool snarled. She unsheathed her claws.

Pytrostar rolled his eye's, "Fine. But when Kiarastream is able to focus, get me. We have important business to discuss." Pytrostar walked out.

The pride on the outside of the nursery had heard what Nalapool said to Pytrostar. They were stunned she was able to pull it off without a scratch.

Pytrostar stormed into his den.

Kionroar stared at the entrance of the nursery, worried for his sister. Ranileaf nuzzled him, "She'll be fine."

"That's not what I'm worried about. I'm worried that she will be punished if anyone recognizes the features of the cubs. What of they realize they're Kovuclaw's!" Kionroar shouted.

"Kionroar, don't live up to your Warrior name," Ranileaf chuckled. She shut his muzzle. "Kiarastream knows how to keep a lie. I'm sure she find a way to hide this."

Kionroar nodded, only because Ranileaf was still holding his muzzle shut.

"There. Now C'mon. Let's go check on Half-face," Ranileaf let Kionroar go and they walked into the Warriors den.

Eelblaze was beside Half-face. She was at the back of the cave. Eelblaze looked up, "How could Pytrostar do this! She doesn't deserve the name Half-face. She should be something with Brook!"

"Hey, once we get rid of Pytrostar and we have a new leader, we can convince him or her, to change Half-face's name," Kionroar said. Ranileaf nodded.

Eelblaze looked at Half-face and sighed, "I guess." Half-face looked up at him. Kionroar had gotten used to the right side of her face being ripped off, but it made him jump a little when she turned to him.

"When we defeat him, will you be our new leader?" Half-face asked. Kionroar laughed, "You're funny! No way could I be leader of anything! I can't even lead my paws to the right direction of the hunting grounds!"

"I was just wondering," Half-face folded her ears down. Eelblaze laid beside her.

Randal stepped forward, "I know this is random, but, are you two mates?" Eelblaze looked at Half-face and she nodded.

Eelblaze smiled, "As of two days ago, yes." Ranileaf squealed with excitement, "I'm so happy for you two!" For once, Half-face smiled a bit. Eelblaze looked at Kionroar and Ranileaf, "What about you? Are you guys mates?"

Ranileaf and Kionroar looked at each other and said in unison, "No." "What! Why not? You're the talk of the pride!" Eelblaze protested.

"Well Kionroar hasn't admitted his feelings yet," Ranileaf giggled and nudged him. "You haven't either!" Kionroar smiled and nudged her back.

"Oh I see. You're both to scared to admit your feelings, even though it's pretty obvious to both of you that you guys have feelings for each other," Eelblaze explained.

Kionroar felt his fur growing hot with embarrassment. He gave his small chest mane a couple of licks to hide the chagrin on his face.

"All right you two love birds. Me and..." Eelblaze trailed off. He didn't really want to call Half-face, Half-face. "Me and my mate will be at the fresh kill pile." Eelblaze and Half-face stood up and walked out.

Kionroar watched them leave. He laid down on his moss bedding as the sun dissapeared. Kionroar could still hear Kiarastream's cries, and he shifted uncomfortably.

Ranileaf noticed and walked over to him. She flattened the moss with her paws, and laid down beside Kionroar. She snuggled into his chest and he started to purr.

Kion and Rani: WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now