~Chapter 11~

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Kionroar instantly dashed to Shinetail, "What's wrong with Nalapool!" "She's not responding!" Shinetail replied.

Kionroar looked down at his mother's body. Her mouth was hung open.

Kionroar shook her, "Mom! Mom!"

Shinetail looked at the rabbit Nalapool had eaten, "Kionroar...the rabbit had poison. It looks like it had eaten a death berry, and before it died of natural causes, you killed it...and Nalapool had it. Meaning she ate the berries as well."

Kionroar's eyes widened, "T...This is my fault. It's my fault she's dead! I killed her!" Kionroar started crying.

The entire pride turned to them, wondering what the commotion was about.

Pytrostar walked up next to Nalapool's body. He looked at the rabbit, "It doesn't look poisoned." Pytrostar took a bite and spat it out. He stuck his tongue out in disgust and drank from a puddle.

"Good thing that didn't take one of my lives. Honestly, those death berries taste delicious," Pytrostar licked his muzzle clean, then drank from water.

The Pride looked at each other with concerned gazes.

Kionroar laid beside his mother. Shinetail walked into the nursery. Not long after a scream from Kiarastream echoed through the camp.

Kionroar cried harder. Ranileaf stood beside him, "It's time Kionroar."

Kionroar looked up at her, and nodded sadly. They dragged her body to the center of the hollow. Kionroar ran into the medicine den and grabbed Rosemary.

He spread the Rosemary onto her fur and sighed.

They all said their goodbyes, while Pytrostar sat there rolling his eyes.

Tigerwhisp, being the only elder, took Nalapool's body to be buried.

Ranileaf comforted Kionroar, "It's okay. She's in StarPride now. Where she can run with Simbafang again."

"I know," Kionroar signed. "I'm just going to miss her." Ranileaf nuzzled him. Kionroar smiled at a bit.

Pytrostar walked up to Shinetail, "Can I see Kiarastream yet? Or is she still weak from birth?"

"Still weak. This was her first litter, so it's harder on her," Shinetail explained. Pytrostar rolled his eye's, but nodded. He walked away.

Half-face looked at Kionroar sympathetically, "Are you going to be all right?"

"I'll be fine. Don't worry, but what about you? You don't seem too well," Kionroar said. Half-face looked at him confused.

Ranileaf noticed something with Half-face and gasped, "Holy StarPride!" "What? What's wrong?" Half-face asked.

Ranileaf shoved Kionroar away, "Go! I need to talk with Half-face!" "Why do I have to go!" Kionroar growled. "It's lioness stuff," Ranileaf glared at him. Kionroar sighed and walked away.

Ranileaf looked at Half-face.

Half-face was confused, "What's wrong?" "Just let me check something, and make sure I'm right," Ranileaf said.

Half-face nodded. Ranileaf gently set her paw on Half-face's stomach. After a minute, Ranileaf gasped, "Y-You're pregnant!"

Half-face's left eye widened, "What!" Ranileaf smiled, "Congratulations." "No! What if Eelblaze gets mad!" What if he doesn't want cubs!" Half-face shouted.

"Don't worry. Eelblaze loves you very much. And he did say he wanted cubs with you. When we were apprentices, we played a Game and he said in the the future, he'd want cubs with a lioness. When we asked if it was you, his face turned red. He wants cubs with you. And he'll be more than happy to accept them," Ranileaf explained.

Half-face purred, "Thank you, Ranileaf. I can't wait to tell him." Ranileaf smiled.

"So, what about you and Kionroar?" Half-face asked. "What do you mean?" Ranileaf tilted her head to the side, confused.

"As in, are you two mates yet?"

"Why is everyone so persistent on that. No we aren't mates. And probably never will be," Ranileaf replied.

Half-face gasped, "But you're so perfect together!" "Yeah well, Kionroar just seems to be set on being a good warrior, and finding out who killed all those lions," Ranileaf said, annoyance in her tone.

"Ah, so you want to be mates with Kionroar, but he doesn't want a mate?" Half-face asked, trying to understand.

"Exactly," Ranileaf nodded. "He'll come around eventually. All males say they don't want a mate, untill they find the one for them," Half-face explained.

"But Eelblaze wanted you as a mate," Ranileaf raised an eyebrow. Half-face chuckled, "You should've seen him as a cub. Oh kings! He was so eager to not have a mate, and become deputy, then leader."

Ranileaf laughed, "That makes sense."

"Yeah. Well, see you later Ranileaf. I'm going to tell Eelblaze," Half-face waved her tail and walked away.

"Bye!" Ranileaf smiled.

Ranileaf then sighed, thinking about Kionroar. He was going through a lot, but she wanted him to know she was there for him. And wanted to be with him. But Kionroar almost seemed thirsty. Not for a drink, but power.

Ranileaf had noticed his anger. He growled a lot more now. And he was always angry or upset. Ranileaf's eyes widened. What if Kionroar was the killer!

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