~Chapter 12~

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Ranileaf stood in her place, frozen, collecting her thoughts. No. Kionroar can't be the killer! She thought to herself. Ranileaf was still shaking in panic though.

Her gaze landed on Kionroar, who was talking with Beestripe.

Ranileaf started walking up to them, her legs shaking. Ranileaf stood still when Zinewillow walked up to Kionroar and Beestripe. She whispered in Kionroar's ear. He nodded and waved his tail in goodbye to Beestripe. Then, he walked off with Zinewillow.

Ranileaf stared at Kionroar and Zinewillow. She suddenly felt rage. Her suspicion of Kionroar being the murderer was gone. She was fuming with anger.

Honeryfern noticed Ranileaf's fur was spiking, and walked up to her, "Hey, you okay?" Ranileaf didn't reply. Honeryfern followed her gaze, and she saw Kionroar with Zinewillow, "Ooh!"

Ranileaf unsheathed her claws. "Woah woah! Calm down!" Honeryfern put her paw on Ranileaf's and she calmed down.

"They could just be friends," Honeryfern suggested. Ranileaf turned to Honeryfern, her brown eyes glaring angrily at Honeryfern's gold eyes.

"I know you're mad, but Zinewillow is our friend. She would never take Kionroar from you, even of you two weren't officially mates," Honeryfern stated.

"Because he didn't want me as a mate!" Ranileaf growled. She lowered her voice and whispered in Honeryfern's ear, "And, I think he's the one who killed all of our pridemates."

Honeyfern's eyes widened, "He can't be!" "I can just tell he's thirsty for power, Honeyfern," Ranileaf admitted.

Honeyfern growled, "You're my friend Ranileaf. But Kionroar has never been thirsty for power. He just wants to be a warrior like the rest of us. You're just saying all this because you're jealous, angry, and upset that Kionroar is handing out with Zinewillow!"

Ranileaf tucked her ears down. It was true, she was partly saying these things because of that, but also because she believed it was true.

"There isn't another explanation," Ranileaf said.

"Pytrostar! He's the killer!" Honeyfern shouted. Tears streamed down her muzzle. Ranileaf's eyes widened, "I know he's strict and cruel, but he'd never kill a lion! The cubs are merely accidents!"

Honeyfern continued to cry, "I'll admit, I don't know if he's the killer, but...but..." She unsheathed her claws and her tears fell onto the sand.

"But, what?" Ranileaf tilted her head to the side, confused.

"I...I was forced to bear his cubs," Honeyfern cried, in no more than a whisper. Ranileaf gasped and nuzzled her, "Shh, it's okay. It's okay, Honeyfern. I'm here." Honeyfern dug her muzzle into Ranileaf's shoulder and cried onto her fur.

"So...you're pregnant. How many moons in?" Ranileaf asked with sympathy. "Barely a moon," Honeyfern wiped her tears away.

"I guess...we have three new pregnant lionesses now," Ranileaf said. "Who else?" Honeyfern asked. "Half-face. She's pregnant with Eelblaze's cubs. And Frostfur, Ranileaf explained.

Honeyfern sighed and a tear rolled down her cheek, "I wish I got to choose my mate. And not be forced."

"I know this is bad, but can't you just eat Comfrey and kill the cubs inside you?" Ranileaf asked. "I would never do that. I wouldn't want to take away the life of a cub that never experienced living. And another reason is...Pytrostar said he'd kill me if I didn't bear his cubs," Honeyfern explained.

"I'm really sorry, Honeyfern. Is there anything I can do?"

"Just don't be mad at Kionroar. If he decided not to choose you, that's his choice. Don't force things, please," Honeyfern begged.

Ranileaf sighed and nodded. Honeyfern walked away.

Kionroar walked off with Zinewillow. Once they knew no one could hear them, they began talking.

"So, when do we start?" Zinewillow asked.

"We need to make sure the entire pride is on our side first. Some lions might be too loyal to Pytrostar, or some will just be too scared to comfront him," Kionroar explained. Zinewillow nodded.

"So, we need to hint at everyone what we're doing. And if they decide to join Pytrostar, we have no choice but to kill them. Because otherwise they'll go and tell him what we're planning," Kionroar explained. "You're obviously my most loyal followers in this uprising, so I can trust you."

Zinewillow smiled, "Thank you." She brushed up against him and they both purred.


Kionroar looked uo to see Eelblaze.


"I thought you would be with Ranileaf. Why did you choose Zinewillow?" Eelblaze asked.

"Because I decide what I do with my life," Kionroar replied. Eelblaze sighed, "Ranileaf was the one for you, Kionroar. I just hope you realize it." Eelblaze walked away.

Kionroar rolled his eye's. "Don't worry, Kionroar. I still love you." Zinewillow smiled. Kionroar smiled back at her, "I love you too."

Kionroar suddenly heard a scream. He ran back into the hollow Zinewillow at his tail.

Pytrostar was walking outside the nursery, Kiarastream screaming at him. Kionroar saw a pool of blood slowly creeping out of the nursery.

Kiarastream screamed and tears flowed down her muzzle as Pytrostar held her three cubs in his jaws.

"Please! Don't take my cubs!" Kiarastream cried. Kionroar wanted to focus on his sister, but the blood coming from the nursery intrigued him. He walked in and gasped. Blinenight lay there, blood pouring out of her stomach. Deep claw marks all over her body. She was murdered. He looked at the back of the nursery, and saw Frostfur trembling in fear.

Kionroar ran out of the nursery, just in time to see Pytrostar throw the three cubs against a rock.

Kiarastream cried, "No!" She tried to grab them, but Dymlight, Scorchheart and Ashstorm held her down.

Pytrostar growled, "These cubs are Half-Prides! They don't belong here!"

Kiarastream tried fighting her way out of the grip of the male lions, but they held her down firmly.

"Now you'll see what happens when you break the Warrior code!" Pytrostar picked up Jaycub, and slammed the little gray male against the rock. Jaycub's skull cracked open, and instantly he went limp.

"No!" Kiarastream screamed.

Pytrostar then picked up Tigercub and bit down hard on the little cubs head. Tigercub screamed in agony, but Pytrostar refused to let go untill the cubs skull broke in his mouth.

Kiarastream continued crying harder refusing to look at her cubs. Ashstorm grabbed her scruff in his claws and held her up, forcing her to watch.

Pytrostar looked down on Lilycub, the only remaining cub. He growled and glared at Kiarastream, "Exile. For you, and your cub. Get out of this pride, now!"

Kiarastream was let go and she ran to Lilycub. She picked her up and ran to the entrance of the hollow. Before leaving though, she set her cub down and growled, "You'll regret this Pytrostar." She grabbed Lilycub again, and ran.

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