~Chapter 13~

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Kiarastream decided to go to FangPride, because that is where her mate, Kovuclaw is. She looked down at the river separating the two prides. It was flooding. She didn't care.

Kiarastream grabbed Lilycub by the scruff, and started swimming across. When she was about to make it, a wave of water took both Kiarastream and Lilycub under. Lilycub cried for her mother. Kiarastream looked around for her cub. But Lilycub had already drowned.

Kiarastream pulled herself out of the river. She started crying. All of her cubs were lost.

A FangPride patrol met her. Kiarastream looked up at them, Kovuclaw, Amberstone, and Brokentail. Brokentail is the deputy.

Kovuclaw stared at Kiarastream, "What are you doing here?" "I was exiled, because of our cubs. A...And they all died!" Kiarastream cried.

Amberstone looked at Kovuclaw.

Brokentail growled at Kovuclaw, "Did you have cubs with a RoarPride lioness!" Kovuclaw looked at Kiarastream and shook his head, "No. Amberstone is my mate. And expecting my cubs. Why would I break the Warrior code?"

Brokentail turned his growl to Kiarastream.

She was stunned, "K-Kovuclaw?" Kovuclaw nuzzled Amberstone. "Leave now!" Brokentail roared.

Kiarastream cried and ran out of all the territories. She noticed someone. A lioness. Her name was Yellowsong. She was also from the FangPride. She was their medicine lion.

Kiarastream thought she recognized this lioness. And growled. She had watched Lilycub die. And didn't even try to help.

Kiarastream was now outside all of the prides. A rogue. She had no place now.

That night, Kiarastream was dreaming. She screamed and cried watching her cubs die. Then, she could almost swear they were calling to her Kill them mommy! Avenge our deaths! They don't deserve to live! Each cub whispered to her.

Kiarastream woke up and dug her claws into the ground, "They'll never know what hit them. And Dymlight. For giving away my secret, you'll be the first to go."

Kionroar started his own patrol, because once again, Pytrostar refused to.

"Ranileaf, Beestripe, Eelblaze, Ashstorm, and Dymlight!" Kionroar shouted. They all assembled.

"Border patrol. We'll split up. Beestripe, Ashstorm, take the TailPride border. Eelblaze, Dymlight, take the ClawPride border. Me and Ranileaf will take the FangPride border," Kionroar ordered. They all nodded.

Ranileaf and Kionroar walked side-by-side. There was silence for a while, untill Ranileaf broke it.

"So...how's everything going with Zinewillow?"

Kionroar smiled, "It's great! I'm really glad I chose her as my mate. There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with."

Ranileaf choked back tears and stopped talking.

They arrived at the FangPride border. Kionroar rubbed against an Acacia Tree, marking his scent.

Ranileaf didn't follow. She was too blindsided by Kionroar admitting he never loved her.

"Hello? I'm not going to do this myself!" Kionroar shouted. Ranileaf lifted her head up, and sighed. She rolled around in the dry grass just barely passing the FangPride border, marking her scent.

Suddenly, there was a loud roar by the ClawPride border. "Kionroar!" She shouted. But he was already running toward it. Ranileaf followed him.

When they got to the border, all that was left, was bloody paw prints, a dead adder on the ground. Or, in other words, snake. And Eelblaze staring down at Dymlight's body.

"What happened!" Kionroar growled, running up to them.

"I...I don't know. There was a loud smash, a roar, and a adder slithered in and bit into Dymlight's eye. Then, before I could even think about what was happening, something ran forward, faster than light and ripped him apart," Eelblaze stammered.

Ranileaf stared at Dymlight's dead body, "Frostfur...what will she do without her mate!" "Who cares. He's dead. And nothing can change that," Kionroar growled. He lifted up Dymlight's body and carried him to the hollow, Ranileaf and Eelblaze followed.

When they got there, the entire pride was in panic. "Frostfur's giving birth!" Shineclaw shouted.

Ranileaf heard a roar from inside the nursery.

Kionroar set Dymlight's body down in the center of the hollow. Zinewillow bounded up to him, "What happened?"

"An adder got him," Kionroar sighed. Zinewillow nuzzled him.

Ranileaf ran into the nursery. Pytrostar tried to stop her, but Ranileaf wouldn't listen to him.

Frostfur was screaming in the back of the den. Honeyfern was trembling, scared about what was happening. Half-face was on her side. She looked almost dead, but Ranileaf could see her breathing.

Ranileaf walked up to Frostfur, "I'm here okay, don't worry." Frostfur looked up at her, "Where's Dymlight. I want him here."

"Dymlight got attacked by an adder," Ranileaf sighed. "No!" Frostfur screamed.

"Shh stop. You'll hurt the cubs," Ranileaf gently pressed her paw down on Frostfur's stomach. Frostfur calmed down, though tears streamed down her muzzle.

Hours later, Ranileaf helped Frostfur give birth to two cubs. A male and a female.

"What are there names?" Ranileaf asked.

"The lioness will be Icecub. The male will be Harecub," Frostfur said weakly.

Icecub is a silver lioness like her mother, with red eyes like her dad. Harecub is a brown and gray mix with bright blue eyes like his mom.

Ranileaf walked out, exhausted, "Holy Kings that was a lot of work."

Something caught Ranileaf's attention. She looked up and saw Zinewillow and Kionroar fighting, with Barkface by them.

"Why! Why did you choose a old lion over me!" Kionroar shouted. Zinewillow was about to speak, but Barkface chimed in, "She loves me."

"Hey! Old man river! Zip it, or I'll break your hip!" Kionroar snarled.

Barkface glared at him. Zinewillow spoke, "Kionroar, I love Barkface. And he has a five season plan!"

"What is it, don't die!" Kionroar shouted.

"Hey!" Barkface growled. Zinewillow covered his muzzle with her paw, "Look Kionroar, I'm sorry."

Kionroar rolled his eye's and walked away.

Ranileaf ran up to him, "What was that about?" "Zinewillow chose an old lion over me," Kionroar unsheathed his claws.

Ranileaf was trying to comfort him when Pytrostar roared on the tall rock. The pride surrounded him.

"I am proud to make a new warrior today! Hailpaw!" Pytrostar roared. Hailpaw walked up the rock.

"Hailpaw, you're warrior name is Hailmane," Pytrostar said. Hailmane smiled.

The Pride cheered for Hailmane.

"I also think Frostfur's cubs should get their apprentice names now!" Pytrostar smirked.

"They can't even see!" Ranileaf roared. "You challenge my judgement?" Pytrostar raised an eyebrow. "Yes. I do," Ranileaf said, proudly.

Pytrostar roared and jumped off of the rock, running straight for Ranileaf.

Kion and Rani: WarriorsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum