~Chapter 4~

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After the pride sat vigil for Sparkwing, Fallonstar sat on the tall rock. The RoarPride looked up at him.

"Lions of the RoarPride! Fernpaw, has lost her mentor, and we have lost our deputy. Fernpaw, you may have only had a few moons of training, but Sparkwing was planning on giving you your assessment. I will watch you. If you pass, you'll get your Warrior name. Is that fair?" Fallonstar asked.

Fernpaw nodded.

"Now, I must appoint a new deputy. It is sad that we lost two deputies in two days, but we have to move on. After much thought, I'm making Pytrobite my deputy."

The golden male smirked and the pride roared Pytrobite's name. Brookpaw was trembling and Kionpaw could see it, "Brookpaw, it's alright. Pytrobite is a noble warrior."

Brookpaw didn't reply.

Fallonstar jumped off of the rock. Dawnfur smiled at him and they walked through the tall grass, away from camp.

"Shimmersight, lead a hunting patrol at the southern border. Frostfur, you lead a border patrol," Pytrobite ordered.

"Pytrobite, I can't. I'm excused from warrior duties," Frostfur replied. Dymlight stood beside her. Pyrtobite growled, "You think that just because you're a lioness means you can't contribute to the pride!"

"No! It's not that at all! But Wishbounce talked with Fallonstar and said I can't do warrior duties for a while," Frostfur explained calmly.

"Why? Do you have a broken claw?" Pyrtobite asked in a sarcastic way. "No! This is a more serious matter! I'm expecting Dymlight's cubs!" Forstfur snarled, losing her patience with Pyrtobite.

The entire pride was shocked and happy at the same time. "I'm moving into the nursery today," Frostfur explained. Pytrobite rolled his eyes, "Fine. Dymlight, you lead the border patrol." Dymlight nodded.

Dymlight looked at Kionpaw and Eelpaw. They nodded and followed him.

"Eelpaw, you've already done border patrol, so go on ahead and start. I'll explain with Kionpaw," Dymlight said. Eelpaw ran ahead.

"Kionpaw, see that Acacia Tree?"

Kionpaw nodded. "That's the border to TailPride. We need to mark it so they know not to cross," Dymlight explained.

Eelpaw cane crashing through the grass, "Get Wishbounce! Dawnfur is giving birth at the river by the FangPride border!"

Kionpaw, without waiting for orders, dashed to the hollow. He saw Dapplepaw and ran to him, "Where's Wishbounce!"

"She's at Snakerocks collecting herbs. Why?" Dapplepaw asked. "Dawnfur is giving birth outside of camp! We can't get Wishbounce. She's too far. You'll have to do it!" Kionpaw paced back and forth.

The gray males eyes widened in panic but he nodded. Dapplepaw grabbed a bundle of herbs and followed Kionpaw.

As they got closer, Kionpaw heard loud screaming and roaring. They picked up the pace.

Kionpaw broke through the grass and saw Dawnfur on her side, with Fallonstar right beside her, "I'm here Dawnfur. I'm not going anywhere." Fallonstar nuzzled her.

Dapplepaw set his herbs down and felt Dawnfur's stomach with his paw. His eyes widened, "The cubs. They aren't in the right position." Eelpaw backed up.

Fallonstar looked at Dapplepaw, worried. "Don't worry, I'll turn them around," Dapplepaw replied.

Kionpaw searched through the herbs, but none of them he knew how to use or what they were used for.

Kionpaw's ears perked up when he heard the sharp cry of a lioness, but he ignored it, thinking it was Dawnfur.

"All right, they're turned around. Now Dawnfur, I need you to push. Use all the strength you've got," Dapplepaw instructed.

Dawnfur tried, but couldn't.

When Kionpaw turned to her after a few minutes, he saw two cubs by her stomach. But at her lower stomach, there was blood. Lots of blood. Dawnfur looked so weak.

Fallonstar was crying, wrapping his paw around her. "T...Take care of our cubs for m...me Fallonstar..." Dawnfur gasped.

"No! Together! That's what you made me promise. You told me to say that we'd raise them together! Please just say you'll survive!" Fallonstar cried into her fur.

"Let's face it...I...I can't...I....I'm sorry Fallonstar...I'm so sorry..." Dawnfur closed her eyes and her head dropped to the ground.

"No!" Dapplepaw shouted. He searched through his herbs and grabbed Dock Leaves. "Dawnfur! Dawnfur eat them please!" She was unresponsive.

Fallonstar stood up quickly and backed away, "No...No She's not dead! She can't be!"

Dapplepaw looked down, his mane covered his eyes, "I failed you Fallonstar." Fallonstar roared in sorrow and ran off.

Fallonstar didn't know where he was going. Just that he had to get away from his dead mate on the ground, hoping this was just a nightmare.

Fallonstar stopped at the river that separated FangPride from RoarPride.

He looked down at his reflection. But then saw someone behind him. Before Fallonstar could turn around, he was shoved into the water. He struggled to fight whatever was holding him down.

Fallonstar's head broke the surface, but before he could open his eyes, a firm paw pushed his head back down into the river.

Fallonstar opened his eyes underwater. And the last thing he was, was gray eyes. His body went limp in the water.

Kionpaw, and Eelpaw licked the cubs, giving them life. One was a lioness, the other was a male.

"Fallonstar has to cone back soon, right?" Eelpaw turned to Dapplepaw. The gray apprentice was staring at his paws, "I...I couldn't save her."

"That's not your fault! It was her time to join StarPride," Kionpaw argued. Dapplepaw sighed and stood up, "Let's head back. Fallonstar will be back soon. Untill then, Shinetail, Blinenight or Anandaclaw can give them milk."

Kionpaw grabbed the light brown lioness by her scruff and Eelpaw grabbed the dark brown male.

As they walked past an Acacia Tree, Kionpaw thought he heard something. He looked up and gasped, almost dropping the cub. He set the lioness down and shouted, "Brookpaw!"

Eelpaw instantly looked up and set the little male down. "Brookpaw!"

Brookpaw had her jaw clamped around a branch, holding on for life. She wasn't even trying to use her forearms. Kionpaw found that strange.

Kionpaw heard a low growl from the grass and looked around. No one was there.

Eelpaw stood on his hind legs and tried to reach Brookpaw, but he couldn't.

Dapplepaw looked at Brookpaw, "Let go," He said sadly. "Eelpaw will catch you." Brookpaw looked down, and let go. Eelpaw ran under the branch and she fell on his back.

"What happened!" Eelpaw asked. Brookpaw refused to answer. They sighed and walked back, grabbing the cubs.

When they arrived in the hollow, no one seemed happy. Eelpaw set Brookpaw down. Kion heard someone whisper, "I can't believe Fallonstar is dead."

Kionpaw gasped, and his eyes widened.

Kion and Rani: WarriorsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora