~Chapter 16~

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Kiarastream smirked. Her first act of vengeance had been successful. Dymlight was dead. Now to kill Amberstone, for taking her mate, and Yellowsong, who had watched her cub, Lillycub, die.

Kiarastream knew that tonight was the half moon meeting. That's when she would attack Yellowsong.

Kiarastream could hear two of her cubs calling out to her. She knew that one was satisfied with the death of Dymlight. Leaving only two left.

Kiarastream ran to the mountain where the Moonrock was. She had to get there fast before the other medicine lions did.

She arrived at the Moonrock and hid in the shadows, ready to attack.

Yellowsong was the first cat to walk into the cave. Kiarastream smirked and slowy crept forward. When Yellowsong had her back turned, Kiarastream-being as quiet as possible-launched herself at Yellowsong.

Yellowsong screeched in shocked, but Kiarastream held her paw over her muzzle. She leaned down and whispered in Yellowsong's ear, "I'm gonna make you suffer."

Yellowsong's eyes widened. Kiarastream picked Yellowsong up by the scruff and slammed her into the Moonrock.

Kiarastream could hear the other medicine lions coming. She bit into Yellowsong's neck and ripped her throat out.

Yellowsong began twitching, her eyes staring at something. Kiarastream ran around the Moonrock and hid behind it.

As the medicine lions were shocked and confused on how Yellowsong died, Kiarastream held her paw up and admired her claws, which had blood on them from stepping in the pool of blood from Yellowsong. She smirked evilly.

Kiarastream could hear one less cub calling her. Just one more left. She had to kill Amberstone.

After the medicine lions buried Yellowsong, Kiarastream quickly followed behind and dug up Yellowsong's body and left it for the crows to eat.

Kionroar was organizing patrols when Zinewillow walked up to him, "Can we talk?"

"Uh sure?" Kionroar raised an eyebrow. Zinewillow led him to a secluded area, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"For dumping you."

"Oh it's fine. I really don't give a shit about it," Kionroar replied. "Well, here's the thing. Barkface doesn't want me as a mate anymore. And I was thinking, maybe we could be mates again?" Zinewillow asked.

Kionroar was about to roar in anger and say no, but he got a better idea.

"I'll have to think about it," He replied.

"Think? Why not just say yes?" Zinewillow asked. "Let's see. Hmm well, Ranileaf is expecting my cubs, and you instantly dumped me for an older male," Kionroar explained.

"Wait, Ranileaf's expecting your cubs?" Zinewillow asked. Kionroar nodded.


"It seems you think that I wouldn't move on from you. But there are better lionesses out in the world than you," Kionroar growled.

Zinewillow sighed.

"Now back off. I'm happy with Ranileaf, and I'll never choose you over her!"

Zinewillow nodded and walked away.

Kionroar took a deep breath, trying to hold in his anger. Ranileaf walked up to him, "Kionroar?"

"Ranileaf! What are you doing here! It's dangerous! You should be in the nursery!" Kionroar shouted in panic.

"I'm barely a moon pregnant, Kionroar. I'll be fine," Ranileaf chuckled.

Kionroar was going to object, but Ranileaf interrupted him, "So what was that about? With Zinewillow?"

Kionroar rolled his eye's, "She wanted to be mates again." "You said no right?" Ranileaf had a worried expression on her face. "Of course I said no! You're the only lioness I'd ever want to spend my life with," Kionroar nuzzled her and she smiled.

"Wanna go back to camp?"

Kionroar nodded.

They both walked back to the hollow. Icecub, Harecub, Addercub, and Spottedcub were all playing.

Addercub and Harecub were a bit rougher when they were play fighting, but that was mainly because they were males.

Spottedcub was still playing with them, but she was usually running around Shineclaw, asking about herbs.

Icecub loved to play with Addercub and Harecub. But mostly Addercub. Harecub was a little offended his sister didn't want to play with him, but brushed it aside.

Ranileaf smiled, "I can't wait for our cubs to be here." "They'll be perfect," Kionroar purred.

Kionroar turned to Shimmerstar who was exiting the hollow with Frostfur, who was now allowed to leave her cubs alone in the hollow.

Ranileaf walked inside the nursery and Kionroar started eating from the fresh kill pile. After a while, he saw Shimmerstar racing back into the hollow, she was covered in blood, and Frostfur wasn't wasn't her.

"Help!" She screamed, but her voice was choking. The pride ran to their leader. Shimmerstar fell to the ground from blood loss. Shineclaw quickly took her in the medicine den.

Hailmane and Anandaclaw waited for Frostfur to turn up, but she never came back. Icecub and Harecub were getting upset.

Shineclaw eventually walked out with Shimmerstar. By the looks on their faces, Kionroar could tell Shimmerstar had lost a life. Her wounds were now healed up and her body looked like nothing happened.

Shimmerstar jumped onto the tall rock and everyone surrounded her.

"Lions of the RoarPride, Frostfur and I went out for hunting this morning...as you can tell, she's gone. That's because...because...we were attacked by cougars."

The Pride let out gasps of shock and fear. Cougars never attacked lions.

Shimmerstar tried keeping calm, "Frostfur gave her life for me. And...and before I left...I saw Pytrostar...he...he took her body and fed it to the Cougars. And they liked it."

Everyone's eyes widened.

"Pytrostar is doing something with the Cougars. And I think he's trying to get them to like the taste of lion blood," Shimmerstar said, her breath becoming shaky.

Kionroar turned toward the nursery. Ranileaf was nervously looking at him.

Kionroar unsheathed his claws. He wasn't going to let the Cougars take Ranileaf or his future cubs away from him.

"More Cougars are coming by the day. It's not safe and...I'm afraid we all won't survive," Shimmerstar said sadly.

Kionroar growled, "If Pytrostar is feeding lions to Cougars, they'll start eating us alive."

Shimmerstar nodded.

Kionroar looked down at the ground, his eyes full of hatred. Pytrostar had come to a new low. This was something that could wipe out all of the prides.

Kionroar looked back up, "I'll kill every Cougar that sets paw on our territory. Even if it costs me my life..."

End of book 1! I hope you guys enjoyed this book. And I'm really excited to start writing the next one! The next book will be titled, "Kion and Rani: Warriors Book 2".

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