~Chapter 8~

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Many moons later, and everything was okay. At least somewhat. Pytrostar still hasn't listened to the lionesses and trained cubs sooner than he should have, so over the moons many cubs have died. But other than cubs dying, there hasn't been any murders. Even though no one knew who killed the others before Pytrostar's ruling, whoever it was had stopped. Sadly though, Freckledawn died. But just of old age.

Shinetail threatened to kill Pytrostar because all four of her cubs died due to them being overworked. Blinenight's cubs also died of starvation. But they never went through with any of their threats.

Pytrostar didn't really get much of a chance to hurt Brookpaw anymore because Brookpaw had distanced herself away from him. Hailpaw was still alive, and was scared of her ripped face sometimes, but after a while Hailpaw got used to her.

Kionpaw, Ranipaw, Beepaw, Honeypaw, Zinepaw, Kiarapaw, and Baliyopaw were no longer apprentices. They had trained many moons, and about one moon ago, they became warriors.

Zinepaw, is Zinewillow, Kiarapaw, is Kiarastream, Baliyopaw, is Baliyoclaw, Honeypaw, is Honeyfern, Beepaw, is Beestripe, Eelpaw, is Eelblaze, Ranipaw, is Ranileaf, and Kionpaw, is Kionroar.

No one knew exactly why Pytrostar didn't give Brookpaw her Warrior name, but no one asked him about it.

Kionroar was sleeping in the Warriors den. His mane had grown a bit and now reached down slightly past his shoulders. He also had a bit of a chest mane growing.

Eelblaze, and Beestripe were also having their manes grow in. Baliyoclaw was younger, so his hasn't grown much yet.

Ranileaf nudged Kionroar, "Hey. Time to wake up." Kionroar flicked his tail to tell her to let him sleep, but she didn't.

"The Pride needs food and Pytrostar refuses to make a hunting patrol," Ranileaf stated. Kionroar still ignored her, "Let me sleep!"

Ranileaf frowned, "Two can play at this game." She unsheathed her claws and rolled Kionroar over so that is stomach was showing.

Ranileaf started tickling him.

Kionroar gasped and his eyes shot open. He started laughing and rolling around, "Ranileaf! Stop! Hahaha! That tickles!"

Ranileaf stopped, "You going to wake up now?" "Yes! Yes I'll get up!" Kionroar replied, still laughing. Ranileaf stopped tickling him and Kionroar stood up.

He frowned at her, "Never do that again." "Aww! Is the strongest warrior in the pride ticklish!" Ranileaf giggled.

"I'm not the strongest warrior here," Kionroar rolled his eye's. "Yes you are!" Ranileaf protested.

"Hey! After you two are done making out come out here. There's a pride meeting!" Eelblaze said.

"We aren't making out. Jeez," Kionroar rolled his eye's and walked out of the den. Ranileaf followed him.

They all sat next to each other, waiting for Pytrostar's announcement.

Pytrostar roared on the tall rock and everyone turned to him.

"Today, we have a new warrior. Brookpaw!" Pytrostar roared. She walked up. It bothered everyone a bit that Pytrostar never used the ceremonial words and just gave lions an apprentice name or warrior name.

"Brookpaw, from now on you'll be known as Half-face!"

The entire pride gasped, "You can't do that!" Frostfur shouted. Her stomach was now showing with her cubs she was expecting, and she would give birth in about a moon.

"Yes I can! Don't question my judgement!" Pytrostar growled. Kionroar could see Half-face was about to cry, but she didn't.

"If you can name her Half-face, then we want our medicine lions back!" Scorchheart snarled.

Pytrostar laughed, "Never."

The Pride was angry, but didn't protest any more. They walked away to go on patrols.

Half-face ran into the Warriors den. Eelblaze followed her. Kionroar could hear her crying.

Ranileaf stood beside him, "I feel bad for her. I really do." "Pytrostar doesn't understand the warrior code, and it shows," Kionroar replied.

Ranileaf sighed, "We need a new leader. But Pytrostar is too strong and stubborn. He'd never give up his lives."

"We'll find a way. I know we will," Kionroar growled. Ranileaf nuzzled him. Kionroar pushed her away and stormed off.

"Lover boy is leaving," Honeyfern said. "Aren't you going after him?"

"Kionroar has other things on his mind. I don't think he wants me as a mate anymore. I mean, we never were mates, but future wise, I don't think he wants me anymore," Ranileaf sighed.

"He does. He's just stressed about Pytrostar and the fights we've been having with FangPride," Honeyfern explained.

"Do you really think so?" Ranileaf asked. Honeryfern nodded.

Kionroar was about to go into the Warriors den, when he saw Kiarastream leaving camp. He followed his sister, wanting to talk to her.

When Kiarastream started sneaking around, Kionroar got suspicious. He crouched down and followed her. She went to the FangPride border.

Kionroar watched her intently. Kiarastream sat down on the RoarPride's side of the river.

Kionroar recognized something. A lion from the FangPride. It was Kovupaw. Well, Kovuclaw now.

Kiarastream jumped over the river and nuzzled him. Kionroar gasped and narrowed his eyes. He growled and unsheathed his claws, "Traitor."

Kionroar watched them the entire time. They just sat there talking. Finally, Kiarastream left. Kionroar ran back to the hollow before she could notice him.

All Kionroar could think about was his sister being with a lion from another pride. He growled and clawed at the ground, "You'll pay for this Kiarastream!"

Kion and Rani: WarriorsWhere stories live. Discover now