CHAPTER: 01 Accepting life in new world

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Zaidie was dreaming again.

"You fatty little girl if you ever become a doctor, I won't give you a penny for my checkup."

"Why? Engineers won't earn less, I'll charge you 3 times from other patients."

When their mother heard their commotion she scolds them, "You both won't stop with that nonsense, will you?"

They eventually shut their mouth.

"Dad look brother won't get any of these snacks, he started arguing first."

"No! Why always it has to be me?"

Their father brought these snacks from kitchen and said, "You both won't get any if you act like that."

They both replied annoyingly, "Okay".


In her dream, she was enjoying her quality time with her parents and her big brother. Her brother was nagging her and poking his finger in her arm so that she'll get irritated and eventually start crying. But, meeting her family after a long time, she doesn't want to loose this wonderful feeling.

Despite her brother's all those nagging and his hurtful words, it doesn't hurt her at all, because she knows he never mean it.

Zaidie gasped hard and turned on the lamp by the bedside while waking up in daze.

The night bulb was shining faint blue. What came to her view was that small room with study table and almirah, a window showing night view of their province, large Indian lilac tree and a night full of silence.

From this, she came to a realization that just now nothing but a dream. It cannot be changed into reality no matter what. Although she has lived her life in this world for two months now, longing for her home is still the same as before.

Zaidie reached bedside table checking for water as she felt parched after being fully awake but finds that she left her bottle in the kitchen.

After bringing back her bottle she drinks water checks time, "It's only half past four. I studied until 2 in morning. Let's grab some more sleep."

But she was barely able to sleep.

'Am I still missing my family and my world that despite being this tired, I can't sleep? Sigh. What has to be done is done, can't change it. Go to sleep.'

She still doubts the the day where everything was going accordingly and she was eagerly waiting for her medical institute's entrance exam result, a nosebleed followed by scorching headache changed many things in her life.

On reaching hospital doctor immediately recognized the symptoms but onlooking the child and her family, he still considered the test and hoped for the best.

But, sometimes God doesn't give you what you desires most. He has something else for you in his mind.

"The test results are here. You have to be ready for the worst, but before that, I want to ask what this child usually does? Does she have any symptoms like severe headache or nosebleed? Any vision or hearing impairment?"

That couple got frightened by listening to doctor's words but despite that, they truthfully answered as it was tha case of their child's life and death.

Mr. Lenzell said, "She wanted to become a doctor that's why most of the time she is busy with her books."

Mrs. Lenzell added, "Whenever she has free time she give hand in household work. She has very weak vision due to late night studies and sometimes have hearing issue."

"Yes and as for nosebleed and headache, this was first time. So no prior medical issues are their", said Mr. Lenzell.

After listening to couple's remarks, now it was doctor's turn to be in daze.

"Unbelievable! Her test results are showing that she has meningioma grade 4. how did she managed up until now? We are sorry Mr. Lenzell but she won't be able to survive 2 weeks as most of the tumor cells are fully dispersed in her skull and vertebral canal. Any surgery will bring her near to death." said doctor in a vocational tone.

Listening to the doctor remarks that couple fell into deep pit of sorrow, but now is too late for anything that can be done to save their child.

It is the most hurtful thing in the world to see their child leaving their parents while they are still alive.

Doctor said to bring back child to there home and spend these last moments with he family.

They did so and brought their child back home.

Few days passed in the blink of an eye and now is the time for them to say goodbye to their child for which they weren't ready.

While lying on her bed very weakly Zaidie said to her parents, "Mom, Dad, I am feeling very tired and weak. I want to sleep a little longer. Can I?"

"Yes, but you have to wake up before lunch", said Mrs. Lenzell to her weak child hiding the deep sorrows in her heart as to not worry the child.


When she finally saw her parents closing the door of her room, their was slight sourness in their expression.

Her consciousness gradually faded and she fell in deep slumber.

There, Zaidie Lenzell died peacefully on her room in her bed like she is just sleeping but will wake up soon, unaware of the fact that she will never meet this family, this world and this form of herself.

The next when she opens her eyes, what came to her vision was not her room but hospital room where a man with black hair and admiral blue eyes staring at her. On reading that man's expression, he seemed to be worried about her but she can't understand why.

On enquiring him, she she came to realize that she is now in a world of novel and an omegaverse on the top of that, and this guy in her birth mother.

She got baffled by this sudden change of things.

Her mother explained that she got attacked by a lawbreaker at her society park while he was away for his work. That lawbreaker knocked her head very hardly on a public complaint A.I. robot that she passed out.

As a science student, it was hard for her believe this fact but gradually she came to a realization that her believing or not won't change the fact that she came to a novel world and became an extra.

Zaidie Wade, an extra which was barely mentioned in novel two or three times. But she has an advantage that this body has a very beautiful face, silver grey straight hairs slightly longer from her shoulders and admiral blue eyes.

When she first saw her appearance she was dazed but her mother told her, "You are my daughter and an omega on the top of that. You shouldn't be dazed by it. But after your amnesia , you are quite weird, doesn't even remember basic things. Sigh."

It was hard for her to adapt but when she came to realization that her medical entrance exam was in 5 months, she dropped all the things aside and started studying.

Anything is acceptable for her but not the fact that she scored in her exams.

Next update: June 08, 2023

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