Chapter Nine

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I arrived at the hospital, I was accompanied by Seb and Daniel, we walked through the hospital until we got to the elevator, we got into the elevator and Daniel followed me, he insisted on taking my luggage so that I wouldn't exert myself or something would happen to the babies again  Seb was with me as moral and physical support.

"Amalia? How are you? Are you ready to go home?"  Seb asks me and takes my hand and I feel that he too is tense, I know what suffering he carries on his shoulders, Jules is one of his friends.

"It won't be the same. I mean, I'm going home but it won't be the same, but if he's not there with me, for me it doesn't mean home anymore. Home is where he is, to be me in his arms, to  I kiss him, let's do everything together. Especially when I woke up next to him and he was already awake and playing with my hair and saying only nice words to me, caressing me in French. I will miss these things."  I tell him and tears started forming in my eyes but I don't want to cry anymore.

"Stop thinking about such things, it will be fine."  Daniel tells me and tries to calm me down.

"I can't calm down Daniel, I can't. You don't know the truth about this situation. Do you want to know it? Okay, Jules is fighting for his life and it is not known if he will wake up again or not. You believe me  that I can, I can't anymore and it will be very difficult for me if something happens to my husband."  I tell him and take my luggage and in the meantime the elevator doors open and I leave them in the elevator.

I go to Jules' hospital room and take a deep breath and go in and there I was met by the doctor and some nurses next to Jules, they were preparing for the transfer.

"Hello Mrs. Bianchi! I notice that you are ready for the trip. Now we are doing some more tests to see if there is anything wrong. But as you can see, everything is in order. Do you have everything?" the doctor asks me

"Hello, yes I have everything. Can you leave me a few minutes with him?"

"Yes, anyway, I still have a few things to write for the transfer and to see if the helicopter has arrived. It will take a few minutes"

"Thank you!"  I tell him and I see him telling the nurses to follow him to leave us alone, he heads towards the door and I see him stop and he wanted to say something but he suddenly stopped.  But I didn't take it into account.

I wait for the door to close and leave my luggage and run to Jules' bed, I sit on the bed and take his hand and bring it to my lips and kiss his hand.  That hand with the wedding ring, the symbol of our love.

"Jules, mon amour, today I did something and I have to tell you. After I left you, I went for a check-up, an ultrasound and I found out that we don't have just one child, Jules you will be the father of twins  . They are healthy and I am not pregnant for a week but I am pregnant in 3 weeks. Love, I heard their heartbeat and it was so fast you can see that it is your inheritance. They are as small as a pea. But they are ours. We conceived our children together."  I tell him and shake his hand

"I'm so happy Jules, maybe we'll have a girl and a boy like you always wanted. Our little family. Please Jules, get well so we can see our children grow up."  I take his hand and put it on my belly and with all my heart I want Jules to be awake too, I have to be positive.

And they thought I wouldn't see them sitting at the door, it was them, Seb and Daniel.  I knew they were at the door, I knew they were listening, I simply felt their presence.

"You can come in if you want, you won't have much time before we leave."  I say louder and wait for him to enter the hospital room.

They go to take two chairs from the table and sit next to Jules' bed, they look at them and see that their eyes never leave Jules.

I see Daniel moving in his chair and tears form in his eyes

"Hey brother! I can't believe it ended up like this and all this is the fault of the FIA. Because of them you suffered something like this and they will pay, I promise," says Daniel and takes Jules' hand in his and  shakes his hand.

Jules and Daniel have been good friends since Jules met Daniel.  Rivals on the circuit but friends outside the circuit.

Seb was standing there watching me.  I had my hand on my pregnant belly and I realize that he was happy that this was happening.

"Daniel is right, we will solve this matter and Amalia will be in good hands, we promise you Jules. In case something happens, we will be by her side, for better or for worse. The children will be in  safety, he will have us, your family, Amalia's family and the Leclerc family, Jules will be fine. I promise you."  Says Seb and doesn't take his eyes off Jules.

At that moment I realized that I am not alone, I have a lot of people who want the best for me and the best for my children.

We sit in silence for a few minutes and suddenly we hear a knock on the door and I realized that we have to leave.

"Mrs. Bianchi, the time has come."  I nod and get up from Jules.

"Now what are we doing?"  I ask the doctor

"Now we will take Mr. Bianchi to the helicopter and you will accompany us. I will be the doctor who will accompany you to Nice and as I see you do not have too much luggage, it will be fine."

I pay attention to what the doctor said and I nod and go back to Seb and Daniel.

"We'll see you when you get home, please let us know what's going on. Yes?"  He calls me Seb and I look at him and nod approvingly.

"Call us when you get home" says Daniel and with that she gets up from the chairs and comes to me.

He takes me in his arms and Seb kisses me on the forehead as usual.  I hold them for a few minutes, then I let them go.  I look at them and see that they still have tears in their eyes.  I take each of their hands in my hands and assure them that we will be fine, and with that I take my luggage and follow the doctor.

I will return home, it will not be home without Jules.  I hope it gets better.  It has to be done well.  For me and our children.

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