Chapter 91 Throw The Bag Over

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Doesn't country Z ban guns? When will this gun be rotten on the street, and everyone will have one.

The people I met some time ago were also equipped with guns, and so are the people I met now.

Shen Xun raised his hand to let Laifu lean back, Laifu retreated to an oblique position, and Shen Xun got off the bicycle.

The muzzle of the black hole did not show the slightest sign of relaxing, and they all silently pointed at Shen Xun and Laifu.

More than a dozen people were tightly wrapped, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

The ferocity of the animals now made them feel terrified, even if Shen Xun appeared in front of them, these people did not let go of their guards.

Although the hand holding the gun was still trembling slightly, it still aimed steadily at Shen Xun's direction.

No matter how these animals change, bullets can still hurt a few points.

Anyone who was pointed at by so many guns could still have a smile on his face, and Shen Xun's eyes gradually turned cold.

Putting his hands on the handlebars of the bicycle, Shen Xun put down the support frame.

Seeing that Laifu did not take the initiative to attack and even hid behind Shen Xun, the guns in the hands of a dozen people slowly put down.

Four people tentatively stepped forward, but they still looked at Laifu defensively, "Over there, throw your bag over here."

Shen Xun was carrying a hiking bag, which contained some snacks and a bottle of hot water.

"You are deaf, I tell you to throw your bag over here, hurry up," the man said, raising the gun in his hand.

Shen Xun unbuttoned the belt around his waist, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Here, it's done."

The black backpack flew across the air in a parabola, and the two eagerly stepped forward to catch it, while the other two looked at Shen Xun warily.

Shen Xun put his palm behind his back, and the pistol had already appeared in his palm.

"Eat, a lot of food," the two took the backpack,

Put it on the ground and open it, and when they saw what was inside, both of them were excited.

Biscuits, bread, some snacks and a thermos cup, I feel hungry.

For a moment, the four of them lowered their heads to check the contents of the backpack. When the partners behind them heard that there was so much food in the backpack, they all ran over from behind.

"Don't grab it, I said don't grab it, put them all back, don't you fucking understand human words, put them all back for me."

The rifle in the man's hand fired a shot into the sky, and a dozen people fell silent for a while, and put all the things in their hands back.

Shen Xun changed the gun in his hand, dug out several grenades from the space weapon pile, pulled off the tab, and the grenades remained motionless in the static space.

Standing back with his body, after confirming that he was within the safe range, Shen Xun took out the grenades and threw them at several people one by one.

"Get down," the two of them, who had been staring at Shen Xun closely, fired when they sensed Shen Xun's movement, but they missed.

Shen Xun hid sideways behind an oblique corner, and threw several grenades. While several people were dodging, Shen Xun took out his pistol and shot one by one.

Bang bang fell two people, the power of the grenade was good, several people were blown to pieces, and fell to the ground wailing.

For a while, no one paid attention to the backpack, they were all looking for cover in a panic, and they were not professionally trained. No normal person could react immediately in this situation.

Shen Xun caught them off guard, because the grenade came so suddenly, who would have so many grenades on him?

"You squeezed me, move your butt back," Shen Xun stood back, with Laifu behind him, the oblique position was narrow, and Laifu

The body is too large. Laifu stepped back and stuck to the wall, Shen Xun had a little room to maneuver.

Taking out the sniper rifle, Shen Xun adjusted the scope. I have to say that among all the firearms, her favorite is the sniper rifle.

A dozen people, five or six were killed by the bomb, two were killed by the pistol, and the remaining nine hid behind the pillars, "She is over there."

Shen Xun deliberately showed his head, and dense bullets shot at her. When the gunshots ended, Shen Xun shot and killed the closest person with a sniper rifle on his shoulder.

These people weren't very accurate, but random guns could kill the old master, so Shen Xun didn't dare to show his face rashly.

"Go around to the back and tear them apart," Shen Xun took out a smoke bomb, and the alley where he was was immediately filled with smoke.

Those people lost their sight, Shen Xun pressed his gun to open the way for Laifu, "It's now, go."

Laifu stood up and rushed into the smoke at an extremely fast speed. Shen Xun picked up the stones on the ground and threw them out. The stones hit the wall with a sound.

Da da da dense bullets hit the direction of the wall, those people are now like frightened birds, any sound can make them vigilant.

Soon after they finished firing the bullets, there was the sound of reloading. Shen Xun changed the sniper rifle, took a pistol in each hand, and pinpointed the position of the two of them and pulled the trigger.

"Ah, my feet," the man's exposed calf was hit by Shen Xun, and the wound was instantly frozen.

The other person didn't have such good luck. He was hit in the neck by Shen Xun and died on the spot.

There were two fewer people.

"I'm fighting with you," the man changed the magazine, and rushed to the corner where Shen Xun was with the fear in his heart, the gun in his hand kept banging.

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