Chapter 169 Isn't It Just Adding Someone?

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"No problem, there will be a little trouble, but I will definitely get it done," Zhou Nan raised his hand to take the medicine powder in Shen Xun's hand, saying thank you repeatedly.

"When will the rescue team start?" Shen Xun zipped up his backpack, pulled the strap with his right hand, and put the backpack on his back.

"The rescue team will leave at six in the morning three days later, sister Xun, you should come here earlier, preferably one night earlier.

Because they may leave early," although Zhou Nan was on a mission with the base for the first time, but after hearing that all the personnel arrived, the team would leave early every time.

Shen Xun thought about it, "No problem, we'll still be here two days later." Now many routes are messed up, even though he knows that Xiao Hei is now in City F.

But she didn't have a definite route to F City, so she followed the rescue team, so she wouldn't miss the direction and reach her destination as soon as possible.

Zhou Nan tucked the medicine powder bag into the waistband of his trousers and hid it with his clothes down to cover it. It looked the same as usual.

Saying goodbye to Shen Xun, Zhou Nan walked towards the base, thinking in his mind why Shen Xun was allowed to sneak into the rescue team.

Walking to the gate of the base, Zhou Nan looked at several trucks belonging to the fire base, which were parked in front of the gate of the base in City B.

The four soldiers held guns in their hands and stood erect beside the truck.

Zhou Nan walked towards the gate, and two hundred people lined up at the side gate to enter the base, and they all seemed to be from Agni Base.

Zhou Nan approached a little closer, and the people in Agni base looked at Zhou Nan with eyes, obviously vigilant, Zhou Nan pretended to be calm.

Why are there so many people coming to Agni base, what are they going to do, isn't there usually no intersection between the two bases?

Even the people from the city b base are doing missions outside, if they meet the people from the raging fire base

People, both sides will look at each other unhappy. The relationship is not very good, but now they let about two hundred people from the other party enter the base.

Zhou Nan walked around, acting too sneaky, and was finally asked away by a soldier with a gun.

But the news was almost heard, Zhou Nan had a flash of inspiration, he had already thought of how to get Shen Xun into the rescue team.

When they went to the registration office, Zhou Nan made up an identity for Shen Xun, his mother's distant cousin, and the staff looked at Zhou Nan with some embarrassment.

Searching for Zhou Nan's name in the database, he lives outside the base and has signed up for this rescue mission.

Regarding the cousin he mentioned, the staff didn't find any information, but now there are not a few people who can't find any information.

The main reason is that the task list of the rescue team has already been sorted out. If one more person is temporarily added, then she must not rearrange it.

"Uh, you know the rescue team will leave in three days. I've submitted the list now," the staff ruthlessly refused Zhou Nan.

These recorded names, if they come back alive, will have tens of thousands of points.

Although the survivors of this mission joined voluntarily, the base will still prepare more food according to their number.

Zhou Nan backed away, finally gritted his teeth, turned around and left, dragged out a bag containing potatoes from under the bed, Zhou Nan took out a dozen potatoes from the bag and put them away.

With food in hand, Zhou Nan returned to the task registration office, still the staff member just now.

Zhou Nan raised his hand and knocked on the glass window, and the staff raised his head, "Why is it you again, I've already said it...".

Zhou Nan stuffed the bag containing a dozen potatoes through the window

, "Excuse me, please help me."

The staff member opened the bag suspiciously, and the disdainful look on his face was withdrawn instantly. Zhou Nan looked like a starving ghost. I didn't expect to be able to come up with good things. I counted more than a dozen. The staff turned their heads and looked around, and hurriedly put the bags at their feet.

"No problem, isn't it just adding someone? What's his name?" It was completely different from the attitude just now, and his face towards Zhou Nan was no longer cold.

On the contrary, Zhou Nan showed a flattering smile, which Zhou Nan seemed to have gotten used to, "Shen Xun".

After registering the name, Zhou Nan looked at the page she registered, and it seemed that several people's names had been written on the front.

It seems that he is not the only one who stopped temporarily.

After the matter was settled, Zhou Nan walked around in front of the base again, and the people at Agni Base were still checking.

They are also here to participate in this rescue mission, which is equivalent to this rescue mission, where the two bases work together.


Back at the fortress, Shen Xun lay on the bed after washing up.

Walking with the rescue team, there will inevitably be people everywhere, and a lot of heavy food, probably can't be taken out to eat.

I don't know when I will come back from this trip. It seems that I have to take advantage of these two days to prepare some quick food.

After getting up in the morning, Shen Xun sank into the space consciously, rummaged through the labeled tablets in the space, and finally found three tablets.

The videos downloaded on the three tablets are different, there are cakes, pancakes, and cakes.

It just so happens that so much milk has been squeezed in the space, and so many eggs have been hoarded.

Watching the video, Shen Xun took out twenty ovens and plugged them in, and added flour and eggs...

I chose several pancakes that looked like mud.

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