Chapter 6- A Peaceful View.

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Quick A/N: 2 days this book hit #1 in the hot category for #ghost-spider. I was going to upload this yesterday as a thank you but I got sidetracked.
Anyway, thank you all for helping this book hit #1 even if it's a small category, It means a lot to me. I hope you all continue to enjoy the book. <3


(Kai's Pov, The next day, Wednesday, 8:30am.)

"Hey." Gwen greets as I sit down next to her.

"Hey." I reply, putting my bag down by my side.

"How are you?" She asks.

"Tired." I inform her, yawning as I grab my book, pen and calculator out of my bag.

"Trouble sleeping?" She questions.

"Yeah." I answer, looking towards her.

"I couldn't fall asleep on Monday, so I know how you feel." Gwen says, laughing lightly.

Rubbing my eyes, I look at the textbook. "I wouldn't expect you to be the type of person to have trouble sleeping." I tell her, sighing lightly before beginning to do the questions.

"Well, it was one day." She responds.

I hum in response, writing down the answers to the first question. "How was your day yesterday?" I ask her, moving on to the next question.

"Good, how about yours?" Gwen replies.

"It was good, I got the address from my boss about where I'm cleaning, so I'll send it to you later." I inform her.

"When do you want me to come over?" She asks me.

"Uh, you can come around 7:30pm or 8pm if you're able to." I say, looking up at her.

"Yeah, I'm good with that." She responds.

"Great, just remember you don't have to come if you don't want to." I inform her. "And you can get whatever you feel like eating." I add, looking back down at my book and writing down the answers before moving on to the next question.

"I'll see what there is when I'm close, I don't think you want cold food." Gwen replies.

"Depends on what it is." I shrug, looking up at her with a small smile before looking back down.

"You eat cold food?" She questions.

"I'm not talking food that's just been pulled out of the fridge." I clarify. "Sometimes it just hits different." I reply, writing down the answers and moving on to the final question.

"Give me an example." She says with an intrigued tone.

Chuckling to myself, I look up at her. "You want an example?" I ask, a smile writing itself on my face.

"Yeah." She replies, laughing lightly.

"Alright." I say, looking back down at my book. "Well, there's cold mac and cheese, meatloaf, enchiladas and there's also pizza." I answer, writing down the final answer.

"Cold pizza?" Gwen laughs.

"Yeah, it's good." I reply, sliding my book over to her.

Gwen begins writing the answers into her book, her laughter dying down. "I'll have to try them at some time." She says.

"Don't be surprised when you find out it's good." I respond.

"Don't worry, I won't be." She replies, looking up at me before looking back down.

"Thanks for the offer for hanging out later by the way." I tell her, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"It's not a problem. I didn't want you to be alone. It's out of pity." Gwen says, a smirk writing itself onto her face.

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