Chapter 10- Why Are You So Nice To Me?

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A/N: I know I posted a chapter yesterday but I'm hanging out with my friends for 3 days and I won't have reception there so here's a chapter and then when I'm back I'll post a chapter. Anyway, I just wanted to say that. Enjoy the chapter. :)

(The next day, Thursday, 7:00pm.)

Opening the door, I spot Gwen in a short-sleeved shirt and long pants. "Hey." I greet.

"Hey, are you good to go?" She asks.

"Yeah." I answer, stepping outside and shutting the door to the house I'm cleaning behind me.

"How's cleaning?" Gwen questions as we walk down the driveway.

"It's been peaceful." I tell her, grabbing my car keys from my pocket. "What about you? How are you going?"

"I'm going well, I've been looking forward to hanging out with you." She answers.

I unlock my car and open the passenger seat door. "Where do you want to eat?" I question her.

"There's a park near here we can eat at." She informs me, sitting down in the passenger seat.

"Great." I reply, shutting the door and walking over to the driver's side. Opening the door, I slide in and shut it. "How far is it?" I ask her, putting my seatbelt on before putting the key in the ignition.

"Pretty close, it's a right, then a left and then straight ahead." Gwen answers, tilting her body to look at me.

"Cool, let's get going then." I say, switching into first and pulling out of the parking spot.

"Did you have fun last night? I never got to ask." Gwen speaks as I switch into second gear and turn on my indicator, making a right turn.

"I enjoyed it, it was nice." I tell her. "Did you?"

"I loved it." She says, a smile growing on her face in my peripheral.

I flick my indicator to the left and turn. "I wasn't expecting the place to be so nice." I tell her, switching into third. "How far is it?" I ask.

"It's on the right, you'll see it." Gwen answers.

"What'd you get?" I respond, spotting the park up ahead.

"That's for me to know and you find out." She says with a teasing tone.

"I can't bribe you?" I play along, spotting a parking spot.

"Nope, I'm not telling you." She replies, a playful tone in her voice.

Slowing down, I skip second gear and switch to first before pulling into the parking spot. "Here we are." I say, putting the car in neutral, pulling up the handbrake and shutting off the engine.

"Do you need any help?" Gwen questions, undoing her seatbelt.

"Nah, it's all good." I reply, taking my key out of the exhaust. "Come on, let's go eat." I tell her, undoing my seatbelt, opening the door and getting out.

"Where do you wanna sit?" She asks me, getting out of the car as we both shut the car doors.

"We'll find somewhere." I answer, locking the car before sliding my keys into my pocket.

Gwen and I enter the park. My eyes take in the empty peaceful park, a large patch of grass sat in the middle. "Wanna sit there?" I question, pointing towards the grass patch.

"Sure, looks like a good spot." Gwen answers, making her way over. My eyes follow her, watching as she sits down. Gwen pats the spot next to her.

Walking over to her, I sit down next to her. "It's a pretty good view of the stars." I tell her, watching her pull out two kebabs. "You went to Franco's?" I ask, my face lighting up as I grab one of the kebabs from her hand.

I Want You. (A Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy Story.)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن