Chapter 13- Your Enjoyment Comes Before Everything Else.

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A/N: So, I quickly wanted to say that I think there's an error in this chapter somewhere but I cannot find it for the life of me. If someone finds can you just leave a comment and I'll correct it and then delete this A/N. That's it, thank you, enjoy one of my favourite chapters. :)

(12:35pm, Gwen's Pov.)

"KAI'S HERE!" A dark-brown-haired guy shouts.

"Hey, everyone." Kai greets, placing the bag we got from the store on a table. "Who's here?" He questions, gesturing for me to follow him as he walks over to a group of 4 who were all sitting down at a fire pit.

"Everyone. Cyrus, Felix, Braxten, Jade, Evan and Ben are all inside grabbing a pong table." A person in a white shirt replies.

"How many people does it take to get a pong table?" Kai laughs, walking to a stack of chairs and picking up two.

"Hey, you must be Gwen." A guy with blonde hair speaks.

"Yes, I am." I respond, waving my hand to them all.

"Let me introduce the four of us." He replies. "I'm Chris, he's Gary, he's Roy and he's Seth." The blonde named Chris informs me, pointing to each one of them.

"You each get one question." Kai speaks, releasing a sigh as he places two seats next to each other. "Seth, you start." He says, sitting down and patting the top of the one next to him.

"I'll start simple. How did you two meet?" Seth asks.

"We're classmates, we sit next to each other in Maths." I answer, sitting down next to Kai, his arm still resting on the top of the chair.

"Gary, I can see you itching to ask." Kai chuckles.

"How many times have you two hung out?" Gary questions, leaning forward in his seat, a beer in his hand.

"I haven't actually kept track. Have you?" I ask Kai, looking towards him.

"No, but I think five or six times so far?" Kai responds, shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't remember Kai? I thought you were one of the smartest in our group." Gary says with a disappointed tone.

"Bruh." Kai replies, his face blank.

"Has Kai been annoying, Gwen?" Roy questions.

"How is that even a question?" Kai speaks, putting his hands on his face.

I laugh lightly, looking away from Kai and to Roy. "No, he hasn't." I respond.

"Hey, Kai! You got the food?" Someone asks, my head snaps towards the origin.

A group of people exit the house, all carrying stuff. "How did we not see them?" I ask, looking at Kai.

Kai shrugs his shoulders. "No clue." He tells me. "Yeah, it's on the table." He says, pointing over to the bag that he placed on the table.

"How has your day been Gwen?" Chris questions, taking a sip from what looked like a vodka cruiser.

"It's been great, thank you for asking." I answer.

"No problem." He responds.

"Do you guys need help?" Kai asks the group of people.

"Nah." Jade's voice speaks. "Hi, Gwen." She greets, waving her hand at me.

"Hey, Jade." I reply, waving back.

"When's the fire being lit?" Kai questions, looking at the firepit in front of us.

"Around 6pm was what Braxten said." Gary answers. "Either of you want a drink?" He asks, standing up and pointing at Kai and I.

"I'll have what he does." I respond, pointing at Kai.

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