Chapter 17- Someone's Comfortable.

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(Tuesday, 6:15am, Kai's Pov.)

"Is the bus here yet?" I groan, stretching my arms.

"I can see it over there." Jade informs me, pointing over to an intersection. Two double-decker buses filling my vision.

"God, it's about time." Cyrus sighs.

"Why did we have to meet at a park and not Oscorp Tower?" Felix whines.

"Because we had the whole role-call thing for our classes." I answer, pulling my phone out of my pocket. "We're all getting on the same bus yeah?" I ask, unlocking it and accessing the camera.

"Yeah, obviously." Evan responds. "It's a two-hour bus ride to Oscorp Tower. I'm not spending that with Roy."

"Fuck you Evan, I'm great company." Roy says with a joking tone.

"The light just turned green." Gwen states.

"Do we want the top or the bottom of the bus?" Braxten asks, all of us lining up to where the bus would stop.

"I'd say top." I answer, holding my phone in the air, making sure to get everyone in frame. "Say cheese, everyone." I instruct, smiling at the camera. Waiting for everyone to put on a smile, I take the photo before putting my phone back into my pocket.

"We don't even get to see the photo?" Seth questions.

"I'll send it to the group chat." I inform him, watching as the bus stops in front of us.

"Look at that, first to board." Gary states as the bus doors open.

We begin flooding onto the bus. "Morning." I tell the bus driver, walking past him and up the stairs to the second floor, making my way to the end of the bus. "Who's sitting next to who?" I question, sitting down in a seat.

"Sit wherever." Braxten responds, sitting behind me.

Everyone sits in a seat, Gwen having sat down next to me. "Hey." She greets, putting her bag in a shelf above our seat.

"Hey, do you want the window?" I question, pointing at the window.

"Uh, it's up to you." She answers, her hoodie covering her left wrist.

"Here, get up." I say, watching her stand up before doing the same. "You can have the window." I tell her, waiting for her to sit down.

"Thanks." Gwen says, sitting back down and scooting next to the window.

I sit down, putting the seats armrest down. "Look at you, Kai. Giving Gwen the better seat." Jade says from my left, looking at Gary towards the end.

"What? You snooze you lose." Gary replies, looking out the window.

"God, you're an idiot." Jade chuckles, shaking her head.

"Is there something going on between them?" Gwen whispers in my ear, her voice bringing a soothing feeling through my body.

"They used to date but broke up because they both agreed it wasn't the right time. They still both clearly like each other." I answer in a hushed tone.

Gwen releases an 'oh' next to me. "I'm going back to sleep now that we're on the bus, wake me when we get there." Ben states from the seat in front of Gary and Jade.

"I'm so glad the person I'm sitting next to is just going to sleep the entire time." Ethan jokes, turning around in his seat to face Gary and Jade.

"I'm gonna take a nap, I'm not gonna sleep the entire time." Ben speaks, resting his head against the window.

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