Chapter 7- A Heartfelt Conversation.

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(2 days later, Friday, 11am, Kai's Pov.)

"Hey, Kai." Gwen greets as I sit down.

"Hey, Gwen." I respond, pulling out my book, pen and calculator. "How are you?" I ask her, placing the calculator on her desk.

"I've been good, what about you?" She responds, picking up the calculator and beginning to do the questions on the book in front of her.

"Good." I answer, watching her write down the answers.

"Tomorrow's Saturday." Gwen says, looking up at me before looking back down.

"I'm aware." I reply, a smile writing itself on my face.

"Are you excited?" She questions, moving on to the next question.

"I should be asking you." I reply. "I'm excited to see what you think." I inform her, pulling my phone out of my pocket and unlocking it.

"Excited to see what I think or excited to see what Jade and I think?" She asks, writing down answers before moving on to the next question.

"Jade will like it regardless. She'll try to judge me, but she enjoys everything. I could trap her in a room with a harmonica, and she'd spend countless hours playing it before realising where she is." I tell Gwen, shrugging my shoulders.

"I believe that." Gwen chuckles, writing in her book.

Looking towards Jade, I notice her writing in her book, her head resting on her hands. "Jade is a unique person." I say, looking back at my phone.

"Isn't everyone?" Gwen asks with a playful tone.

"Not a group of five girls or more. They're just clones of each other in most cases." I joke, my smile turning into one of playfulness.

"I'm guessing you're talking about the group of blonde girls who think they're better than everyone?" Gwen laughs lightly, looking at me.

"Yep." I respond, popping the 'p'.

"Have you seen it when they all wear the same clothes?" Gwen asks, looking back down at her book, continuing to write.

"Don't even get me started." I huff. "It's like they're a hive mind. If you make even a single joke, they all yell at you like a Spanish mother." I tell her.

"Have you had to deal with them?" Gwen replies, trying to contain a laugh.

"Yes. Yes, I have. They got so pissed I wasn't ever interested in one of them that they started pestering me like mosquitoes." I explain, shaking my head at the thought.

"Good on you for not crumbling." She says, smirking at me.

"It's not hard when their only insult is no one will ever love you." I reply, using my fingers as air quotes.

Gwen looks up at me before looking back down at her book. "You'll find someone." She speaks, her tone unrecognisable to me.

I hum in response, looking at my phone. "They were just salty that I kept ignoring them." I tell her, shrugging my shoulders.

"You're better than I am. I would've started a brawl." Gwen responds, sliding her book next to mine. "There are the answers." She says, putting the lid on her pen.

"You? Gwen Stacy would've started a brawl?" I reply, beginning to copy.

"Does that surprise you?" She asks, a small smile setting itself on her face.

"It's not something I wouldn't have expected." I answer, looking down at the books.

"Yeah, it surprised you." Gwen states with a victorious tone, leaning back in her seat in the peripheral of my vision.

I Want You. (A Spider-Gwen/Gwen Stacy Story.)Where stories live. Discover now