Chapter 19- Everyone Has Exes.

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(The next day, Saturday, 12pm, Kai's Pov.)

"Kai, where were you yesterday? I forgot to ask." Jade questions from the doorway.

Shutting my laptop, I spin my chair around and face her. "What do you mean?" I respond.

"You said you were going out." She says, leaning on the doorframe.

"I did, I went out to a cafe and walked around in a park." I lie, casually leaning back in my office chair.

"You didn't take me? I'm hurt." She whines.

"Had I known you wanted to go, I would've asked you." I shrug, watching her get off the doorframe.

"Also, Ashley told me to tell you that she's grabbing some kind of take-away food at 6pm, and she'll have it here at 6:15pm since she finishes work at 5:45pm." She informs me, grabbing the door handle.

"Okay, I'll be down to cook us lunch in a bit." I tell her, watching her shut the door. "Oh god." I sigh, spinning back around to my desk and opening the laptop.

The tab of Spider-Woman videos I found on YouTube resuming. I wasn't watching them because of her but instead I was watching them to take notes, I had bought a a square of sticky notes and a new notebook. Every time I saw something I thought I would need to learn, I'd write it on a sticky note and then stick it to the page of a book. If you're wondering how many pages I had written down on the new notebook I had gotten, I already filled 10 of the pages in the span of 30 minutes. But if it was something like Spider-Woman swinging through the city I would write down the Physics and the calculus of the swing.

I didn't know if I had to but it's better that I figured the math out myself before I begin training with the web-shooters Spider-Woman gave me. I had put the mask and the web-shooters she gave me under the centre of the mattress. Did I toy around with the web-shooters? Yes. Yes, I did. But in my defense how can you not? You're given what Spider-Woman swings around with. I should probably clarify that I didn't try swinging with the web-shooters.

I went out to my backyard while Jade was out this morning. My mum was out at her job at the same time, so I had from 8am to 10am of just messing around with the web-shooters. The only few things I had figured out were tapping it released a small ball of web that expanded before impacting against something and holding the button released a long line of web that kept extending the longer you held in the button.

A ding from my phone breaks me out of my thoughts. Pausing the YouTube video, I grab my phone and look at the notification spotting a message from Gwen. Unlocking my phone I bring up our chat.

Hey, when are you working next?

Tomorrow from 11am to 7pm.

That's a long amount of time with only 1 break.

Since it's a longer shift, I'm getting 2.

Really? That's great, when do you want me to come over for the 2 breaks?

Uh, you can come over at 2pm or 3pm for the first break and whenever you want for the second break.

Great, you'll text me the address tomorrow?

Yeah, I'll text it to you, I'll text you before I leave to get there.

Alright, can't wait.
I'll see you tomorrow.

Goodnight Gwen.

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