Moving In

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Parker Household; New York; 01:30

Peter and M'gann arrived at Aunt May's house after returning to New York. M'gann was in normal clothing and had transformed into normal skin. Peter was in normal clothing as well, with his super suit under it. Peter opened the door and the 2 went in, greeted by the sight of Aunt May sitting at the dinner table in the living room. When she noticed the 2 enter she quickly got up and rushed to him, "Hey, May." he greeted.

May wrapped her arms around him in a rush, surprising him, "Oh, thank goodness you're okay." she said, M'gann could hear the tears in her eyes just from the tremble in her voice.

Peter pushed her slightly away from them to separate, his arms on her shoulders, "I told you I'd be working late. I'm working under Wayne Enterprises of all companies. I'll be okay." she said with a chuckle.

May took in a deep breath and held Peter's hand under her chest, "I'm just happy you're okay. I didn't expect you to be this late." she said. She then finally noticed M'gann standing beside Peter, "And who's this lovely lady?" she asked as she let go of Peter's hand.

Peter stepped aside and pulled her closer in front of Aunt May with his hand on her back, "Meet Megan Morse. Her parents need to go away for a 2 days and couldn't bring her. I said she could stay with us till then... If that's okay?" he told her.

Megan shook her hand with a warm smile, "Hi, Ms. Parker. It's a pleasure to meet you." she greeted.

May gave a warm smile in return, "It's good to meet you as well, Megan. And of course. It's only 2 days. I don't mind. Where will she stay though?" she asked.

Peter looked at Megan, "You can stay in my room if you want." he suggested.

"That's fine. Only if you're comfortable with that though." M'gann said as she stuck her hands up, not trying to offend or push it.

Peter chuckled, "Yeah. I'm fine with it. Come on. I'll show you." Peter said before he walked past Aunt May and towards the stairs to his room. Megan followed close behind as she waved goodbye to May.

May waved back, "And go to sleep! You have school tomorrow." she told him as they walked up the stairs.

"Got it!" he yelled back.

The 2 entered his room, greeted by the sight of a messy room. Peter switched the light on. Megan took a good look around as Peter opened his wardrobe for clothes. There were 3 posters of various things on the walls. One was a poster of Superman. Another the other 2 were posters of science. One wall caught his attention. She looked to the wall on the right of the door, where his computer on a desk was. Above the computer, on the wall, there were various photos of him and Gwen. In each of them, she saw a smile she had never seen on Peter since they had met. She then heard a cough from behind her. She turned around and looked to see Peter, who had a set of clothes. She grabbed it and looked at him weirdly, "Why do you just have female clothes in your closet?" she asked.

Peter smiled, "Gwen would stay here sometimes. Most of the time she didn't have spare clothes, so I just had a set ready for the occasion." he explained. He looked past her to see what she was looking at, and it was pretty obvious. Peter quickly looked away and headed to his drawers to take search for something. Megan looked down at the clothing before setting it on the desk and looking at the photos again, "... She was beautiful." she suddenly said.

Peter looked away from his open drawer and stood up, with a web canister for his web shooters in his hand. He walked up to her side and stared at the pictures, "Yeah... She was." he replied.

"What was she like?" she asked him as she turned her head to face him, her body still facing the photos.

"Well... She was kind... smart. She'd know you better than you'd know yourself. And that would be about a day after meeting you." Peter and Megan both laughed before he continued, "...She was... spectacular." he ended as a tear ran down his face, which she noticed. peter, realizing what just happened, wiped the tear away and headed for the door, "I'm gonna get a mattress. You stay here and get dressed, or... whatever it is you do." he said. He then left.

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