Confronting Harry Osborn

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Harry was standing on his balcony of the Oscorp Tower, drinking a glass of his finest whiskey. With Spider-Man going to find Morbius, he could finally be cured. He had hope at last. 

Then, he heard a certain someone land behind him. He put his cup on the railing with a smile, "So you find him?" he asked.

"I did." Harry turned around to see Spider-Man behind him. "And we need to talk."

Harry tilted his head in confusion, "About what?" Harry then noticed he didn't have anything with him. No vial. No blood or anything. Nothing. "You didn't get a cure... did you?"

"It's a bit more complicated than that, Mr. Osborn." Spider-Man told him. "You didn't care to tell me that you hired those guys to KILL Dr. Morbius??"

Harry's eyes widened, "Wha... what're you talking about??" he asked.

"Don't play coy with me. Morbius told me everything." Spider-Man told him as harry walked past him, breathing heavily and his heart racing. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about." Harry said as he wen back inside with Spider-Man following behind.

"It wasn't ever his intention to steal the cure for himself! He never went rogue and hired mercenaries!"

Harry spun towards him, "But the audio recordings-!"

"He doesn't HAVE any audio recordings!" Spider-Man yelled. "You lied to me!"

"Listen, Spider-Man, I swear I'm not lying!" Harry begged as he walked closer to the hero, "Trust me, please! Don't let what my father was cloud your judgement."

"Believe me, I'm not."

Harry threw his hands in the air and walked back. He began to rub his forehead in an attempt to get rid of the headache he was feeling, "... I swear on my mother's grave..." 

Spider-Man froze. While that line may have been unfamiliar to the hero, Peter knew all about that line. Whenever Harry said, it he ALWAYS was telling the truth. He loved his mom more than anything. He couldn't be lying now... or could he.

Spider-Man was telling himself to be vigilant. To be cautious. He WAS the son of the Green Goblin after all.

Peter Parker was telling himself to trust his friend. Harry was on the brink of death. Why would he lie at this moment?

"I know... that me saying this won't mean a thing to you." Harry turned to Spider-Man, "...But I loved my mom more than I love everything else in this world... I wouldn't forsake her memory by saying this, so please... believe me. I am not lying. I found Morbius' audio recordings. I looked into the footage... I didn't know. I swear."

Spider-Man stared into Harry's eyes. Those eyes weren't of a lying or deceitful man. But a young boy. A boy who is scared. A boy who needs help. A truthful one.

Spider-Man put his hand on Harry's shoulder, "...I do." he said.

And Harry let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you..." he said as he held onto Spider-Man's hand.

The hero dropped his hand back to his side, "I'm sorry, Mr. Osborn. Nonetheless, Morbius did not have a cure. The way he became like that is... it can't be done again." Spider-Man explained.

Harry stared at the hero, emotionless. He had hope slipped away with a snap of a finger. He turned around and sat on his leather couch. He rubbed his hand against his mouth as the tears began to flow, "...H-how?"

Spider-Man sat beside him on the couch, but not too close, "The method he used was was a complete freak of nature. The chances it could work again is slim to none. And the fact that if it does work... you'd become a monster unlike anything else. The transferal of blood wouldn't work either... You'd die."

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