Xavier's School For The Gifted

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The team left the ship in their casual clothes and walked up to the bald man and Jean. They stopped in front of each other, "You were in our heads?" Dick questioned.

The man nodded, "Yes, indeed. I apologize if I was invading some form of privacy. But I understand you must be used to it, considering you have a telepath on your team." the man said as he looked over at M'gann.

The team glanced at her, then back at the man, "She doesn't do it much. With her, it sometimes..." Dick began.

"Hurts?" Jean finished, to which Dick nodded. M'gann's eyes fell to the side, feeling bad for if she hurt any of them. Jean quickly noticed, "You don't have to feel bad. Most natural telepaths don't have that effect on people. It'll wear off overtime." she told her, to which M'gann smiled.

The man made his way on his wheelchair over to Kaldur, who stood in front of the team, "It is good to meet you, Kaldur." He greeted before he extended his hand. 

Kaldur took it in his own and nodded, "You too." he greeted back.

The 2 broke it off, "My name is Charles Xavier. This is my school and this," He rolled to the side, out of the way of Jean, "This is Jean Grey." She did a slight wave before she crossed her arms, "And again, we apologize for all that ruckus."

"How did you even know we were here? The ship was invisible." Artemis questioned.

"A telepath can tell these types of things." Jean replied.

"Now. Let me show you around." Xavier told them before her turned around and began making his way over to the school. The team followed behind and Jean walked over beside Peter.

"Hey, Pete." She greeted with a smile. The 2 shared a hug, which Artemis eyed. 

The 2 let each other go and began to follow the rest, "How you been doing?" Peter asked.

She shrugged, "Been doing well. Finding more and more mutants everyday." she said.

"And Scott?"

"Scott and I are alright. You know him. Team leader and all. Stress gets to him sometimes." she explained. She then brought up what she wanted to talk to him about, "Heard about Gwen."


"Sorry for your loss." Jean said, to which Peter was surprised to hear.

"That's it? No whole conversation?" he asked.

She began to chuckle, "Why? What for?"

"Well, everyone who heard about Gwen always tell me the same thing. 'I know what you're feeling'. 'She was a good girl'. A whole conversation I don't want to have." Peter explained.

"Peter, I don't need to be a telepath to tell that is a subject you don't wanna talk about. I've lost people too. I do know what you're feeling. But I also know talking about it for who knows how manyeth time wouldn't be good." She told him.

He looked at her with a wide smiled, "And that is why you're my favourite mutant." he said as he put his arm around her.

"Don't let Logan hear you say that." She replied with a smile as she also put her arm around him.

They made it too the front of the school with kids running around, all displaying different abilities. Superboy and Artemis say a group of kids playing basketball. Some didn't seem even human, with a disformed body, or face. But they all had no fear of each other. A boy caught the ball and threw it into an empty spot. But, suddenly, he teleported there and caught it before throwing it into the hoop. "Hey! No powers!" A girl scolded, to which Artemis laughed at.

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