The Secrets of Count Morbius

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The red eyes suddenly disappeared and Miss Martian was kicked back all the way into the wall. Superboy tried to grab a hold of Morbius and grabbed his arm. But it wasn't Morbius. Spider-Man felt his arm being pulled then he was thrown into the roof, but before he fell, he stuck himself to the roof, "What the hell, Superboy??" Spider-Man yelled.

"He's fast! What do you expect me to do??" Superboy replied.

"We need to get out of here!" Miss Martian yelled.

Just then, Superboy caught Morbius' hand when it was inches from his face, "Nice try." he said and punched him back into the wall. The punch was so powerful it created cracks and slight openings in it, enough for some light to peek through. And Morbius fell to the ground. 

Spider-Man landed beside Superboy and Miss Martian hovered to his side.

Enough light was shed so that they could see Morbius' true face. He wore ablack leather jacket and jumper pants. His pale face was long and thin with his sunken cheeks and sharp jawline. He looked up at the heroes and his red eyes began to fade. His face began morphing into back into a human. His face became less pale and his green eyes returned. His fangs retracted as did his claws. Morbius was breathing heavily as he got to his knees. 

They all then noticed how he looked. He looked... healthy.

"The serum worked?" Miss Martian questioned.

Morbius scoffed with a slight smile, "Did a lot more than that... As you can see." His voice now went back to normal.

"Morbius..." Spider-Man said as he calmly began making his way to the doctor, "Tell me what happened... I can help you... I hope." 

Morbius shook his head, "No, no... There's no curing me." he said.

Spider-Man shook his head, "I can get the antidote that was used on The Lizard. A few adjustments and I can help." he said.

Morbius shook his head even more angrily, "I made mine permanent. I've tried curing myself. Nothing has worked." He then pulled out a serum from out of his pocket, "I just came here for this. I don't want any trouble."

"What's that?" Superboy asked.

"I may not be able to cure myself, but I can hold back my... lust."

"Your lust?" Spider-Man questioned.

Morbius gave him a look like, 'seriously?' And Spider-Man realized what he meant, "Oh." was all he said.

Morbius nodded, "I hate what I did. I do. But this serum is the only thing stopping me from becoming a full-on bloodsucker. I can't have that. I'm a doctor... I must save people." 

Spider-Man's eyes fell. This didn't seem like the type of man that would purposely avoid giving a cure to Harry. "So why didn't you tell Harry Osborn about this?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why didn't you tell Harry Osborn about your experiment? You hired mercenaries, went rogue and tried to run off with a cure. Why?" Spider-Man interrogated.

"I DID NO SUCH THING!" Morbius yelled, his monstrous voice shining through and his red eyes glowing as he leaned forward. Morbius realized what was happening and took a deep breath in to calm down as he leaned back, "I hired no mercenaries no did I go rogue. The experiment was funded by Oscorp."

"What?" M'gann said and Peter glanced back at her in shock.

"Harry was desperate for a cure. As was I. When I told him about this idea, he was all for it. That was until I found out what he was doing." Morbius began to try and stand up with a painful groan, "He had another experiment going on for a cure. A symbiote."

The heroes glanced at each other, all having the same idea. Harry lied. Morbius noticed the look, "I see you also knew about the symbiote." Morbius said.

Peter nodded, "Kinda."

"Then you should know how much I was against it. I obviously never told Mr. Osborn about my feeling towards it. And he eventually found out I knew. He acted as if he was okay with it. But I knew better. When I went on the cargo ship, he hired some of his personal for 'protection', but it wasn't. They were there to kill me after the cure had worked, if it did. Fortunately, all this happened when my wife injected the serum into me... I killed all of them. Mary was luckily safe. knocked out. But safe. Mr. Osborn lied to you all, unfortunately."

Spider-Man was silent. He was angry. No. Not angry. PISSED. He punched into the ground and let out a loud yell. He trusted Harry. But no. The Osborn apple hadn't fallen far.

"What about your audio and video recordings? You admitted to doing all these things." M'gann said.

Morbius looked at her confusingly, "I never recorded any video recordings." Morbius told her. "In fact, I brought all my technology with me on the cruise ship."

M'gann looked at Connor, "Of course." M'gann realized, "Harry set all this up."

"Why?" Connor asked.

"To make us think Morbius is the enemy. He's the only other guys that knows about the symbiote and he KNOWS that Morbius is alive and clearly something happened to him. Who else better to deal with him that Spider-Man?" M'gann explained. 

Morbius then got up and readjusted his jacket, "Well I think it's time I made my leave." he said.

"No. We need your blood to cure htime I told you said.

"Okay. Then it's about time I told you the truth." Morbius walked up to Spider-Man, "There is no saving Mr. Osborn unless you want him to end up like me or Dr. Connors. So tell me... do you?" 

Spider-Man and Morbius stared at each other, eventually reaching an understanding. He then back up to the wall, "Till our next meeting, Spider-Man." Morbius said then charged through the broken wall and flying off with a gray trail behind him.

The 3 heroes watched him fly off, "Well that was resolved very quickly." M'gann said.

Spider-Man ignored her words and said, "Let's go." And he walked to the door exit angrily, "We're going to talk to Harry."

Heyy. Sry about the whole Morbius storyline being resolved so quickly. I do have plans for Morbius later on and NO, he is not an anti-hero. You'll see soon. But yea. Morbius will be coming back later.

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