Scorpion vs Spider-Man

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Spider-Man swung from building to building on his way to Scorpion's location. He landed on a building to catch his breath when he felt a poison in his lungs. He leaned over and began coughing, "Oh, not again." he said.

He walked over to the ledge of the building as he regained his breath. But what he saw horrified him. It was as if the whole city was flooded with a green poison. Luckily it was still fairly low.

Spider-Man shut his eyes and took a breath, "It's not real... It's not real." he muttered before he walked off the building.

He dived head first into the poison, but as he got closer, his anxiety increased. It may not have been real, but it very much SEEMED real. A split second before he hit the liquid, he quickly shot a web out to another building, swinging himself up towards the building, "Not taking any chances." he told himself. 

He continued to swing towards the location. He may not have been able to see the streets, but he could very well remember the building nearby the location. This fight with Scorpion was going to end today.

With M'gann,

She managed to sneak right into the Oscorp facility and began typing on a computer in a lab, "Now if you don't mind me asking, where in the world will I find a synthetic antiroping?"

With Artemis,

She walked up to a garden atop a building in her super suit, "I don't know. But you'll figure out. On the otherhand..." She walked inside the garden building and began looking through all the plants, "I..." She found just the plant - the Eclipta Alba. "I got what I came for."

With Artemis,

Miss Martian sighed, "This is gonna take me a while." she said. Suddenly, a scientist walked into the lab with a Big Belly Burger doggy bag. He quickly noticed the Martian standing in front of his computer and froze, "What on Earth-??" he began to questioned.

A smirk grew of her face as she had an idea, "Scratch that. Gonna be quicker than I thought." she told Artemis.

Back with Spider-Man,

After a long couple of swings and avoiding large Scorpion tails coming out of the poison sea to attack him, he finally made it to Scorpion's location. He landed on a nearby building to see if he could see the catastrophe. But he didn't see any of it.

There was still a sea of poison.

He groaned angrily when his spider senses suddenly went haywire. He backflipped out of the way of something attacking him and landed on another edge of the building. He spun around to see what attacked him and was greeted by the sight of the one and only Scorpion.

"Was wondering when you'd show up." Scorpion snarked and he slammed his tail down on the ground.

He tried to focus on Scorpion, who was circling him, but everytime he got blurry and almost lost his balance. Scorpion cocked his head when he noticed Spider-Man struggling to contain his balance, "Ohhhh... it's getting worse isn't it?" he asked.

Spider-Man narrowed his eyes at him, only getting angrier, "I can still... take you on..." he said.

"You sure about that?" Scorpion asked. Suddenly Scorpion split into multiple versions of himself. 5 Scorpions now surrounded him as the ground beneath him began to shake and hover. The sky turned green as small parts of the roof broke off and began to hover around him.

Spider-Man watched it all occur around him as he turned around, "What's wrong..." Spider-Man faced the Scorpion speaking to him, "...seeing things?"

Spider-Man clenched his fist and got ready to fight. Just then, all 5 Scorpions jumped at him.

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