The Osborn Apple Might Not Fall far

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Midtown High; 28 August; 2:45 PM

"No. It doesn't make sense." MJ told Peter as they stood in an empty classroom. Peter had just told her about what he found out about Harry and the fact that he might've had the symbiote stolen.

She wasn't taking it well to say the least.

She had her back turned to him as she brushed the hair out of her face, "It would make sense." Peter then added.

She spun to face him, "No it wouldn't! Why would Harry then tell us about his disease if he was having the only thing in the world that could cure him, stolen for him to be given to him?? What, you don't think we'd notice if he was suddenly all back in tip-top shape??"

"Harry told me he still had the best scientists in his lab working on a cure. Apparently they were getting close. Also you saw how he looked when he told us. If he doesn't have the symbiote by now, we would've eventually questioned it and he wouldn't be able to lie to us." MJ sighed then crossed her arms. Peter walked towards her to comfort her, "Look, I know Harry-"

"Then you should know he wouldn't do something like this."

"Wouldn't he? We've known him since we were kids. When hasn't he crossed these types of lines to get what he wants. Remember when he literally bought the company that was handing out awards at the science fair so that it could be given to him? Remember when he stole a vial of chemicals from your science project to use with his since he messed his up? Yeah sure you didn't have a problem with it, but still."

MJ turned towards him, "Are you saying he's like his father?"

"No. He could never be like his dad. But that doesn't mean some of his dad's qualities don't appear in his..."

MJ suddenly got a phone call. She dug into his pocket and looked at who was calling. She turned it to face Peter to show him.


"Answer it." he told her.

She did and put it on speaker, "Hey, Har. What's up?"

"Look, guys..." he then let out a painful cough. He did not sound okay at all. He was getting sicker by the week, "Sorry, but I won't be at school today. Don't think I'm up for it..."

"No problem, bud. Take all the time you need." Peter told him.

"Thanks, Pete. You guys are good friends... Speaking of friends, where's M'gann?"

"Oh, uhh. She's-"

"With her relatives. Have no idea when she's coming back to school. Apparently gonna do some online schooling given by the school while she's away."

"Does the school even do that?"

"Yeah." She looked at Peter, giving her the face of 'What was I supposed to say??'

"Heh heh. Alright. Well I'll text you guys later. Might have a lead on the symbiote. See ya."

"See ya, Har. Get better soon." 

"Yeah. See you, man."

They then hung up and MJ gave him an angered look. Peter gave her a confused look, "What??"

"You really think THAT sounded like he stole it? He's on the brink of death, Pete."

Peter sighed, "I know, I know... I still gotta talk to him."

"Talk to him how? I doubt Harry's gonna tell you about his lead and he doesn't want to maybe get us sick too."

"I never said Peter Parker had to go."

She cocked her head confusingly, but after a couple of seconds she got it and her eyes widened. She quickly began to shake her head, "No. No. No. You are insane."

"Harry said he had a lead. If he tell me, then suddenly Spider-Man goes after it, he's gonna get suspicious."

"Well then how would Spider-Man know about his little problem."

"I have that sorted out."

MJ groaned and crossed her arms, "He won't talk to the man that killed his father."

"I DIDN'T KILL HIM!" Peter suddenly yelled. MJ turned around towards the door to maybe see if anyone heard. But the students still walked past the room. MJ turned back towards him, giving him a warning look. Peter then repeated, "... I. Did not. Kill him."

"To HIM, you did. And there's pretty much nothing you can do that can change that."

Peter turned around and sighed. She's right. He would never talk to Spider-Man... But what other choice do I have?

Peter groaned loudly, "I have to try." he then said. Suddenly, radio static was heard from his bag. They turned towards his bag and the his police radio then began to speak.

"Calling reinforcements! Calling reinforcements! Someone broke into the Hudson Valley Bank! Nobody's seen the infiltrator yet, but he's managed to destroy a whole city block with us trying to stop him. Spider-Man, if you're listening to this, we need your help!"

Peter looked up at MJ with a tired look. "I gotta-"

"Got get 'em, tiger." She told him. But not in her cheerful happy voice. She sounded tired. Truth was, they both were tired.

They both just wanted to hope that Harry didn't go to these lengths so he could survive.

Peter took his bag and ran out of the room, leaving MJ by herself, a place she would be in more and more as time went on.

As Peter ran down an empty alleyway, he put on his mask with his normal clothes still on, "Why always at the worst of times?" he asked himself.

Meanwhile at Osborn Industries,

Harry was in his bedroom, sitting in his living room in his flat with a shot of win in his hand. He had just gotten off the phone with MJ and Peter and they assumed correctly. He was getting sicker and sicker by the day. His skin was paler than usual with black spots around his eyes. His eyes were beginning to get red and he had a blanket around his body. He set the phone down on the table just as one of his agents knocked onto the door, "Who is it?" he asked.

"Mr. Bandon, sir."

"What do you want?" Harry questioned.

Brandon entered the room with a tablet, "We found him, sir."

Harry massaged his forehead, clearly not in the mood for any vagueness, "Found who exactly? I'm not a mind-reader."

"Mr. Morbius. We got a lead." Harry's head perked up, "The cargo ship he left off of." He walked towards Harry and gave him the tablet.

Harry took the tablet and played the video that was displayed on-screen. All it was was footage of some guys with guns in a room, holding up their guns all around the dark room. "What's this?" Harry questioned him.

"What they found."

Harry looked back down at the video. Suddenly, one man yelled, "Over there!"

"Oh my god, what is that???"

Suddenly, one of them was taken out by some gray mist. The another. And another. Each of them were taken out by some unknown force. Harry looked closer, trying to see what was attacking them. The video began to slow down as one of the men were taken out and began zooming in near the mist attacking him.

He finally got a somewhat clear look at what was attacking the man. The thing looked like... Michael. Long black hair. Lab coat with his nametag. But his face and hands...

He had deathly pale skin and blood red eyes, standing out like a sore thumb from the rest of his face. He had sunken cheeks and a sharp jawline with a long face and claw-like nails. "Michael, Michael, Michael... you just had to have an appointment with Dracula."

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