Little Bit of Trouble With A Rogue

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She looked up skeptically at the 2 teenagers. She got up with a groan and picked up the tray of food with her. She got to where the 2 teenagers were standing. They were right on the other side of the glass wall, which Rogue looked through. She made it to the wall and stuck the tray back through, "No." is all Rogue said.

M'gann and Wally's eyes widened slightly. The 2 shared an awkward glace and Wally stepped forward, "What do you mean, 'no'?" he asked.

Rogue crossed her arms, "No. There's a reason I put myself in here. I'm staying." she said.

The 2 young heroes shared an awkward glance again, "I'm gonna tell the team." he told her and walked away to tell the team through the comms.

M'gann stepped closer to the wall, "The team? Who else is here?" Rogue asked.

"My team. Robin, Kid Flash, Aqualad, Artemis, me, Superboy, and Spider-Man-"

"Spider-Man?" She questioned.

"You 2 know each other?" M'gann questioned.

She cocked her head once, "We've talked... who else?"

"...Your team... The X-Men." M'gann answered.

"Well you can tell them to leave. I told them to not come her and respect my decision. Why'd they want me out?"

"Truth is... the future needs you."

She crunched her eyebrows at her, "What?"

"I can't really explain it, but it's the truth. We need you."

Rogue put her arms against the wall and leaned against it before she sighed, "Do you even know why I put myself in here?"

She shook her head, "No. They said it wasn't their tale to tell."

"Well then they're probably right. So I'll tell you." Rogue told her, making M'gann step forward to listen better, "... I'm in here... because I killed an innocent woman."

With Wolverine,

He threw another guard against through a door. Behind him, there was a trail of other guards, all knocked out. He was breathing heavily and once he realized his aggressiveness, he began to control his breathing to calm down, "Peaceful thoughts..." he said to himself. 

And he was just where he needed to be. He was in the room with all the controls of all the different prison cells. He then quickly realized one more thing... he wasn't alone. There were 2 other guards there, staring at him with fear in their eyes. He let out a sigh, "This isn't gonna be fun." he said to himself and stepped forward. The one guard tried to attack Logan with a taser stick, but Logan simply sent a punch to his face, knocking him out. 

The other guard reached for his radio, "ENEMY IN THE RAFT! INFILTRATION IN THE RAFT!" he yelled out... but a;; that came back was static and no answer. 

The man looked at Logan, horrified, as Logan smirked, "Gotta love ya, Jean." he said and he grabbed the man's head and hit it against the control panel with all the controls. The man fell the the ground. Logan looked through all the cell numbers and cameras to see where Rogue was. He saw all the Earth's most famous villains. 


Curt Conners. The Lizard.

Atomic Skull.


Ned Leeds. Hobgoblin.




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