An Alien Therapy Session

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"What's going on with me, M'gann?" Peter asked, dropping her hand.

"Artemis called me and told me what's going on. She says Scorpion poisoned you." M'gann explained. She put her finger on the open cut on Peter's neck, which had green veins beginning to extend from it, "She's going to see someone now for what he poisoned you with."

Peter let out a huff with a smile as his head fell down, "Well I'll thank her and apologize when I see her." he said.

M'gann tilted her head to try and look at him in the eyes, "Peter, you looked stunned. What did you see?" she asked.

Peter looked up at her in the eyes, "See... Hear... There was a lot. Hard to try and tell you." Peter explained. M'gann's eyes fell from disappointment, but also from understanding. She knew he still hadn't talked to anyone on the team about what he had been through, besides Gwen. And none of them didn't try to find out and respected his privacy.

"...But you could see." Peter then said, grabbing her attention and making her immediately look up.

"Y-You mean look into your mind?" M'gann asked, quite surprised by what Peter is basically allowing her to do. 

Peter nodded his head, "Yeah. You've been wanting to know what I've been through since we've first met, so look for yourself."

"You do understand what you're allowing me to do, right? I'll be looking into your past, every single piece of pain you felt, you will feel again and see again..." M'gann warned.

A small smile appeared on his face, "Go ahead." he affirmed.

M'gann then prepared. She rolled her shoulder back and brought her 2 front fingers to his temples as they both closed their eyes. Just as she was about to start the process, his phone rang.

Peter sighed and took his phone out and answered it, "Hello?" he asked.

"Where on Earth are you???

It was MJ.

Peter slapped his hand against his head. he had completely forgotten about M, "I am so so sorry." he apologized. "I just had to get to some plans I had. Sorry I left you there." he said as he dropped his hands and slowly got up from the ground.

"Honestly I'm not mad you ditched me. I'm mad because Aunt May is worried SICK about you!"

His eyes widened. Aunt May almost certainly heard about what happened, "...I'm already on my way." 

"And apologize to her!"

Peter hung up before looking at M'gann with pleading eyes. Even though she wasn't reading his mind, she could very much tell when he wanted, "I'll give you ride."

With Artemis in a lab,

"Hallucinogetic neuro-what?" Artemis questioned the scientist.

Artemis was in standing behind a scientist in a lab. She had a white coat on, black hair tied up in a ponytail and quite tall. She was sitting on a chair and had just finished analysing what Peter had been injected with, "It's a hallucinogetic neurotoxin." She spun around to face Artemis, "In simple terms, if you were to be injected with this, your brain will create nightmare that your body would think are real."

"And how would you counteract the affects?" Artemis asked.

The scientist shook her head, "I honestly have no idea. This whole poison is more affective that the fear gas Scarecrow uses. With Scarecrow, you know those are illusions and you can, in a way, fight them off. But with this... you could very much die from what you may think is real. Heart attack. The brain not being able to handle it. The longer it's in the person's system, the worse the hallucinations will get."

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