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"Because you know and understand my situation more than anyone I know. Logan's gone. And even if he was here, he wouldn't understand. And Batman? He would take the symbiote no questions asked and destroy it. You're the closest person I know that has a double life like I do. That has people you need to protect. And that still needs to be a hero. You've been a hero longer and have seen things I probably will never see... I can't make this decision."

"So you want me to make it for you?"

"... I don't know at this point." he admitted, his voice laced with frustration. "For the first time since Kingpin came about... I don't know what to do anymore. The symbiote could save my best friend's life... but it could also end up with the world being destroyed. I can't make that choice... I don't know what to do."

Daredevil listened, his silence a steady presence in the tumultuous storm of Spider-Man's thoughts. "Peter. This is a choice I can't make for you."

"You've never had a choice between your duty as a superhero and as a friend?"

"... I've had plenty. Most ended with that friend being hurt or dead." Daredevil began walking up to the teen hero, "But those were choices I made under completely different circumstances. This is a choice for you, something only you can make."

"I can't! I can't kill Harry... and I can't risk who knows how many people dying." 

Daredevil sighed then put a hand on Spider-Man's shoulder, "Let's sit." The 2 sat on the edge of the building, where they got a good look at Hell's Kitchen. "You know why you became a hero, Pete?" 

Spider-Man simply stared off into the distance, "I have abilities that can help people. So I have the responsibility to help those people..."

Daredevil nodded his head, "It's more than that." Peter looked at him confusingly, "Look over there."

Peter looked at where Daredevil was somehow looking, which was a small apartment building. Inside one of the windows a light was lit so bright you could see almost everything in the house. Inside, a mother was watching the TV with her son. Or trying to at least. The child was asleep. He had fallen asleep on her shoulder. The woman realized and smiled won at her son before reaching forward for the remote, "What am I looking at?" Peter asked.

"Them. You became a hero for them." Daredevil elaborated as the woman lifted up her son in her arms and carried him off to his room, "So that nobody else would go through the same thing you did. You became a hero to protect the people." 

"Isn't that why everyone becomes a hero?" The woman walked back into the living room when a man came from another room. A man around the same age as her. He hugged her from behind, making her smile and they shared a kiss.

"But it's where that idea comes from that matters."

"So... I have to give the symbiote away..." Spider-Man said with a feeling of sadness in his voice.

"I didn't say that. When I say people, I mean everyone. Harry included." 

"You're really sending me mixed signals here, man."

"You save people regardless of who they are or their blood." Daredevil added on further. "You want to save everyone, Pete. And it's because of that that I can't help you with this. This is only a choice you can make."

"If I could make it, I wouldn't have come here."

"Peter-" Daredevil began.

"I know, I know. I get it... But how can save everyone in this case?"

"When the Green Goblin made you choose between Mary Jane and those civilians, what did you do?"

"I jumped for MJ and caught the wire of the cable car before they fell."

"You chose the third option. Now just do it again."

"There isn't."

"I bet you thought the same thing when Osborn was making you decide. But you did anyway. The world is pushing you to choose between 2 things. You have to push back and make another choice."

"You make it sound easy."

"Not for heroes like me. But for heroes like you... it won't be easy, but it can be done. You've already done it. Just do it again. How'd you do it before?"

"I just... I just acted on instinct. Thought outside of the box. I couldn't let anyone die. It wasn't a case of it wasn't in my capability. I just... couldn't let myself."

Daredevil put a hand on his shoulder, "I know you, Peter. I know your heart. And that's how I know whatever choice you make will be the right one."

Peter, for the first time in that whole night, smiled, "... Thank you."

Daredevil nodded at him, "Always here to help. Besides, with what we have in the world right now, that's to say there isn't something that can cure his disease." Peter looked off into the distance.

Then an idea came.

He did over Peter a favor. And Peter was sorta one of his best friends. What's to say he wouldn't say no? Daredevil then cocked his head to the side, which Peter noticed. "What's up?" he asked.

"Intergang's decided to pay Hell's Kitchen a visit." Daredevil stood up, "Wanna help out?"

"A Spider-Man-Daredevil team-up? Count me in." Spider-Man got up and put on his mask, "There's just a call I need to make. Go on. I'll catch up."

"We'll see." And Daredevil back flipped off the building before swinging away with his batons.

Spider-Man took out his phone that was in his back pocket and began scrolling through his contacts, "Bruce, Mr. Stark, Rogue, Arty, Kitty, Dick." He sighed, "I should really sort my contacts." He scrolled a bit more until he finally sound it, "Ah!" He called the number.

He paced around the edge of the roof, waiting for him to answer, "Oh, Johnny. Do you ever pick up your-"

"Peter? Haven't gotten a call from you in a while!" The phone suddenly answered.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. But Johnny, right now I need a favour."

"Sure, Pete. Anything. Johnny Storm at your service."

The Amazing Spider-Man of Young Justice (Season 1)Where stories live. Discover now