Alpha Male

516 17 9

Mount Justice; 23 September; 06:34 EDT

None of them were in a good mood after the previous day's event. The night made things even worse with the symbiote going missing. Unbeknownst to the team, Spider-Man had it in his room under his bed. 

Where else could he have hid it without it being suspicious?

A Green Lantern created a crane from his ring to lift a large part of the construction to the second story, where Wonder Man was waiting to help guide it in. Once it locked into place, the lights turned back on.

Sphere rolled down the stairs and came to a pause beside Martian Manhunter and Captain Atom, who were working on a Holocomputer and a complex. 

As Sphere stopped, Manhunter smiled down at it and patted it's head before turning back to his work. "Synchronizing Security Protocols with Watchtower Mainframe." the base's AI called out.

Green Arrow put a bowl of pretzels on the table where Wally had both his shoulders on the table and was resting his chin on his crossed wrists. Artemis sat on the same side of the table as him, leaning her right elbow on the table as her head rests in her hand. Spider-Man hung from the roof in his own-forged hammock made of webs. He lied back on his hands, restfully. Conner stood opposite of Green Arrow, defensive in his body posture, but he was definitely worried. M'gann sat across from Artemis, looking expectantly at the hero mirroring the Boy Wonder who sat beside her.

"Thanks, but no thanks." Wally said harshly.

Green Arrow backed off immediately.

"Yeah, what we want are answers," Robin said, looking to Wally as his other means of support since Kaldur wasn't sitting with them. The speedster sat up straighter, following the Boy Wonder's trail of thought before both of them turned towards the blonde hero. "About Red Tornado and his siblings."

Green Arrow showed no expression on his face, not even flinching.

"Exactly." Wally snarked, though it lost some of its heat as he saw Green Arrow reach for the bowl and began to walk away with it. He didn't manage to fully turn around before Wally's hands were around the bowl, taking it back. "Leave the bowl." he murmured quietly, taking a handful of pretzels into his hand and eating them.

Conner kept his back mostly to the Team, Green Arrow, and Black Canary. He changed his attention to Aqualad and Batman, who stand on the far side of the room. Their conversation only noticeable by the fact that Kaldur's mouth was moving.

Conner could hear all of it now that he was paying attention "It was during the Taipei mission with Red Arrow, Sportsmaster revealed the possibility of a Mole within the Team." Kaldur informed Batman. "In light of last night's attack, Red Tornado would appear to be the traitor. But whether he betrayed us willingly or was pre-programmed is still-"

"YOU KNEW??" Connor shouted at the top of his lungs from across the room. Both heroes turned towards the loud hero. Before Kaldur could react, Superboy launched himself at him. "That android and his maniac family nearly killed M'gann!!"

M'gann flew over to them, confused as everyone else, "Connor, what are you doing?"

"Kaldur knew we had a traitor among us and said nothing!" 

"What!" Spider-Man yelled from his hammock, sticking his head up.

"You knew?" Robin questioned with betrayal in his voice.

"And you didn't tell us??" Kid Flash said behind Robin.

Kaldur looked at Connor as he began to speak, "I sought to protect the Team from-" 

"Sought to protect us from what?" Artemis spoke up as Spider-Man jumped out of his hammock behind her. "Knowledge that might've saved our lives??"

Connor turned towards M'gann, "You almost died." he told her with a shaken look on her face.

"Enough." Batman suddenly said, making everyone's attention turn to him. Connor released Kaldur's straps.

"With Red Tornado... missing the team will now be overseen by rotation supervisors. Captain Marvel has volunteered to take the first shift. As well as a member of the X-Men they have decided to send us. She won't be a supervisor though."

Then, a large man, in a red and gold super suit, with a white cape over his left shoulder, face completely uncovered which showed his deep blue eyes and slicked-back black hair. He stood taller than the Dark Knight himself as he stood beside him, "I'm really looking forward to hanging with you guys." he said simply with a smile.

Thing from behind him, walked out another woman. Or teenage girl in this case. She had a vibrant auburn, with a distinctive white streak that framed her face, cascading wildly over her shoulders. Her eyes, a deep compelling green, were piercing. Her outfit was a striking combination of green and yellow, with a bold, diagonal yellow stripe slashing down her suit from her chest. It was complemented by a brown leather jacket that hung over her shoulder. It almost hid the "X" symbol on her outfit. 

Only 2 members of the group recognized her, "Rogue??" Spider-Man questioned.

"Hiya, Suga'." They walked over to each other and embraced in a hug. 

"What're you doing here?" M'gann asked. Rogue turned to her and they gave each other a hug.

"The X-Men weren't too keen on lettin' me back in the field after bein' cooped up for all those months. Can't really blame 'em. So they shipped me off here to find my groove again. And hearin' y'all were on the team? Well, I couldn't resist" she said with a bright smile, her Southern drawl unmistakable. Then, noticing the tension in the room, her smile faded. "I reckon I walked in on somethin', didn't I?"

Superman turned back towards his leader, "After I dismantle Red Tornado, you and I are gonna-"

Batman began walking and cut Superboy off, "Red Tornado is a member of the Justice League. That makes him a League responsibility. You will leave him to us." Everyone was silent as he turned back towards the Team in the center of the room and called up a HoloScreen of a newspaper article, "I have another assignment for this team."

Spider-Man recognized it was from the Daily Bugle.

It read 'Gorilla Trades Bananas For Bullets' for the main headline.

"Gotham mayor attacked by Guerilla Gorilla?" Wally read with clear skepticism in his voice.

"Was this the only thing he could find to distract us?" Connor asked telepathically.

"Batman, please!" Robin begged, "Tell me you're not sending us on this joke of a wild ape chase!"

Batman looked with an even more serious expression, "I never joke about the mission." And Robin immediately backed off, "I've checked the sources. I've studied the patterns. Mayor Hills' encounter is only the latest in a series of incidents." He turned to Aqualad, "Aqualad, you and your Team will depart for India and check this out."

Aqualad nodded and the rest of the Team now began walking towards the BioShip's hanger. Wally stopped in front of him and made a noise of disagreement, "Your Team." he taunted.

Kaldur watched his whole Team walk away with a determined look...

Rogue leaned slightly towards Spider-Man as they walked side-by-side, "Mind fillin' me in on what all went down back there?" she silently asked him.

I know Rogue is such a random addiction to add in, but I just wanted another Marvel character to appear. Rogue seemed like a good choice. Next main Marvel character you'll see has to do with space ;) 

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