Something Added

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Okay. So I forgot to add this part in the last chapter so I'm putting it here in this one.

A smirk grew on Kingpin's face, "But first. I want to send an old enemy of the hero... But I don't just want him to attack Spider-Man. As you may have seen on the news lately, Spider-Man is now part of a team." 

Tombstone nodded, "Yeah. What about 'em?" he asked.

"I want this man to attack the whole team. Give him whatever he needs to hurt them... emotionally AND physically. Talk to Marcus. I've had him keep tabs on his team. Their weaknesses... their strengths..."

"You haven't told me who to send in." he said.

Kingpin took out a phone and slid it across the table. Tombstone walked towards the table and took the phone in his hand where he saw a name..., "Quinten Beck? Are you sure about this, sir?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" Kingpin asked.

"Last time the 2 fought, Quinten was just disguised as Spider-Man to frame him and he failed miserably. He's a joke compared to all the guys Spider-Man's fought."

Kingpin leaned it, "Which is why you will help Marcus give the necessary tools that Quinten needs. This is not a suggestion, Tombstone. This is an order." he ordered before he turned around to face the window again.

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