Final battle

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Peter and what was left of his teammates were back on an a private plane, on their way to the White House. Kaldur, Robin, and Wally went back to Mount Justice to give a report on the mission. What was left of the X-Men were also there. Rogue, Storm, Jean, and Cyclops all stayed behind. He sat opposite to Artemis and M'gann opposite Logan. They were a about 2 rows behind Peter. he seriously did not expect those 2 to get along well, but they did. He just wondered HOW they got along so well.

Both Logan and M'gann didn't speak to each other, but they both knew that eventually they would talk about what M'gann saw in the future. So M'gann decided to start the topic, "So Peter is married in the future." she told him quietly.

"Yep." Logan said as he flipped to another page on the newspaper.

"And where's the rest of us?"


"I honestly expected Artemis and Peter to be together. I mean-" She turned around to look at Artemis and Peter and saw them talking and laughing. "They're so cute together."

"Well they aren't."

She turned back towards him, "Sooooo... Who is she?"

"You'll find out eventually."

"What's that supposed to mean."

"You'll find out eventually."

"Is that what your answer is gonna be whenever I ask about the future?"

Logan looked up from his newspaper, giving her a glare, making her quickly shut up... but on for a short period, "So who's invited to the wedding?"

Logan shut the newspaper and threw it onto the table in front of him, "Take this chance to ask all the questions you want, because once we're off this plane, you're not getting anymore answers. Almost every superhero known to man."

"Okay... Who's the best man?"


"Maids of honor?"

"You and Artemis."



"Ring Bearer?"


"Any kids?"

"Can't tell you that."

"So they do have kids, because you technically can't be telling me any of this." Logan rolled his eyes at M'gann.

"None of what I told you will break the fabric of reality, so you're wrong in that regard."

"... How do I die?"

Logan mentally froze, "M'gann-"

"I know I'm gonna die from the Sentinels so just tell me how since that's not going to happen."

Logan's eyes fell, "Our hideout was getting attacked by Sentinels. We had an escape route, but were weren't going to make it. They took one of us... a little girl. They were going to kill her but you stopped them... You bought enough time for me, Peter, Z-... his wife... Iron Fist, Storm and Daredevil to get away, most especially the little girl. You died saving her..."

M'gann didn't know what to say. At least she died heroically. "...What was her name? Or what will be her name, I mean."

He sighed, "... I guess this won't disrupt time... Mayday."

"Mayday? What was she doing with us even?"

"That I can't say... Is that all?" 


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