Chapter 1

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ibbs finished his morning coffee and grabbed another cup to go. Then he headed out the door. He drove to NCIS and arrived to find his team gathered round McGee's computer.

"What are you three doing?" Gibbs inquired, sounding like his usual self.

"There was a bombing at an all girls' school in the Middle East." McGee answered. "We are reading about it."

"It was created by a group of Marines. It's in a very remote part of the Middle East that is still very much living in the old ways." Ziva said.

"Do they have a picture?" Gibbs asked, a spark of fear finding its way into his gut.

"Yeah, boss." McGee said and then put the article up on the big screen for everyone to see.

Gibbs looked at the photograph and skimmed the article. He read the last line, No word yet on survivors. Then without a word, Gibbs headed to MTAC.

"That was weird." McGee observed.

"Yeah." Ziva agreed.

"He's Gibbs. It's best to not try to understand him." Tony chimed in. "It'll just make your heads hurt."


"Hello Special Agent Gibbs. I'm sure you've heard about the bombing." A man in fatigues said.

"Major, cut the crap. Is she alive or not?" Gibbs asked, his voice angry.

"We don't know. She was in the back section of the school. There is a wall of rubble separating us from her and the others that were in there." the Major replied.

"Keep me updated. As soon as you find her let me know." Gibbs ordered.

"I will. I just hope we find her and the others that were with her alive."

"You will." Gibbs said and then cut the communication.

She's alive. She has to be. Gibbs thought to himself.

Later that day...

Gibbs and his team were sent on their next case. A Marine was found dead, his body dumped along side a dirt road. Tony was snapping pictures of the scene and being his usual goofy self.

"Talk about a bad case of road rash." Tony commented as he looked at the body, most of the skin torn off.

Gibbs came up and smacked the back of his head and it was a little harder than usual. "This is not funny, DiNozzo. This is no time to make jokes."

"Right boss." Tony said, instantly shutting up.

"Finish processing the scene. I'll meet you back at the Navy Yard." Gibbs said and then headed off.

"Is it just me or is he grumpier than usual?" Tony asked.

"Normally, I would say it was just you, Tony." Ziva said. "But he does seem to be in a foal mood."

"Foul mood." Tony corrected.

"He's been like that ever since he read that article this morning." McGee observed.

"I wonder why." Tony pondered.

"If he wants us to know, he will tell us." Ziva said.

"But you know he won't tell us. The only way to know anything about Gibbs is to find it out ourselves." Tony replied.

"I think this is something we should stay out of Tony." McGee told him.

"He's right." Ziva added. "If we start poking around his business, he will get mad. It will be like poking the beaver."

"Bear, like poking the bear." Tony corrected.

"You're not going to listen to us, are you?" Ziva asked.

"Do I ever?" Tony replied.

Ziva rolled her eyes and went back to processing the crime scene. Tony's going to get into a lot of trouble. she thought to herself.

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