Chapter 20

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Charity sat in the hospital awaiting the results of her latest tests. She wasn't quite sure why, but she had insisted that he not go with her and he go to work. She had taken a cab. After a few minutes, the doctor entered the room.

"Hello, Charity. How are you doing today?" He asked.

"Why don't you tell me, Doc." She replied.

"Well, everything appears to be healing just fine." He answered. "We can schedule your next surgery for next Tuesday."

"Do you think it will be my final surgery?" She asked.

"I hope so." He answered. "So, which one of your care givers will be with you next week?"

"I honestly don't know." She answered.

"Welp, we'll need you in here at six in the morning and we'll get you into surgery by seven." He told her.

Charity nodded. "How long do you think this surgery will take?"

"Probably a couple of hours. You actually won't be knocked out. You however won't remember the surgery."

"So, I'll be loopy but conscious." Charity clarified.


Charity soon left the doctor's office and then took a cab to NCIS. She knew her dad would be anxious to know what was going on with her surgery.


Gibbs sat at his desk looking between his cell phone and the phone setting on his desk as if that could make Charity call. She had insisted on going to her doctor's appointment by herself and he had no idea why. It seemed she didn't either.

"Staring at that phone isn't going to make it ring, Gibbs." Ziva said.

Gibbs just gave her his signature Gibbs look. Then he went back to looking at his phones. "There is no need for me to call when I'm right here." came Charity's voice.

Gibbs looked up at his daughter. "So, what's the news?"

"Next Tuesday is my third and hopefully final surgery." Charity answered. "Then after that, who knows how many weeks of physical therapy."

Gibbs nodded. "What time you have to be in?" He asked.

"I have to be in at six in the morning that way they can have me ready to go by seven."

"Okay, DiNozzo looks like you're in charge next Tuesday." Gibbs said.

"Right boss." Tony replied.

"I better go see Abby. She'll kill me if I don't come and let her know what's going on." Charity said.

"Okay, come back up here and I'll take you home when you're ready to go." Gibbs told his daughter.

"That's fine Dad. I can take a cab."

Gibbs gave his daughter a look.

"Okay." Charity agreed. Then she started heading for the elevator.

"I need to go see Duckie about something." Tony said, getting up suddenly. Then he walked to the elevator with Charity.

They both got on, the only ones on the elevator. Once the doors closed and the car started moving down, Tony pushed the button and stopped the elevator. Charity looked at him confused and then he gave her an almost preditory smile. A moment of wordless communication passed between them and then Tony's arms snaked around Charity's waist and he pushed her back against the wall, causing her crutches to clatter to the floor, and devoured her lips with his.

Charity's arms wrapped around Tony's neck and her hands fisted in his hair. She pulled herself as close to him as she possibly could. She couldn't get enough of him and he couldn't get enough of her. After several intense moments, Tony pulled back and broke the kiss, panting.

Charity met his hungry gaze, panting and dying for more. She wanted all of him, but she knew it wasn't the right time yet. Oh man, I have got it bad for him. She thought. "What have you done to me Anthony DiNozzo?" She asked.

Tony laughed and shook his head, still supporting her. "I think the better question would be, What have you done to me Charity Gibbs?"

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