Chapter 11

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A few dats later, after Charity had been released from the hospital, she had finally convinced Gibbs to go back to work. "Come on, Dad. I'll be fine. I can take care of myself."

"As long as you're sure?"

"Dad, just go. I swear if I need you I will call."

"Okay." Gibbs said, hesitant to leave his daughter, but he finally agreed. He gave her a kiss on the forehead and left.

Charity breathed a sigh of relief. She loved her father, but he had been driving her nuts over the last few days, hovering so much. She knew why he did it, but she knew why he did it. She knew he was only worried about her, but still she needed some space.

Charity picked up her ipod and put in her headphones. She turned it on and leaned back, letting the music fill her ears. She closed her eyes and let the music relax her.


The team was having a slow day and getting caught up on their case reports. Gibbs would pull his cell phone out periodically and look at it.

"Are you expecting a call boss?" Tony asked.

"" Gibbs answered.

"O...kay." Tony said and went back to his paperwork. He couldn't help but notice Gibbs pulling out his phone constantly. "Is something wrong?" Tony tried asking again.

"No." Gibbs answered. He wanted to call Charity to check on her, but he couldn't. He knew he'd been driving her nuts with his hovering. Then an idea struck him. "DiNozzo, come with me." Then he stood up and headed for the elevator.

Tony looked really confused, but went and followed Gibbs anyway. They entered the elevator and Gibbs pushed the button, stopping the elevator. "What's up boss?" Tony asked.

Charity a little while later...

Charity had fallen asleep listening to her music. She awoke hearing a knocking sound that didn't go with the beat of her music. Then she realized that somebody was knocking on the door. She pulled out her headphones and turned the ipod off. "Who is it?" She called.


"Come in." She said.

The door opened and Tony stepped into the living room. "Hi." He said.

"Hi." She replied. "Dad send you to keep an eye on me?"

Tony grinned. "Pretty much."

"Well, you can go or you can stay." she said. "But I must tell you that if you decide to stay, that I am not helpless."

Tony walked over and sat down on the couch beside her. "I would never mistake you for being helpless."

"Good." Charity replied. "So, I take it that means you're staying."

"Yeah, I mean for one thing, if I go back now, your dad might just kill me." Tony replied jokingly.

"Oh, and here I thought you liked my sparkling personality." Charity replied, feining hurt feelings.

"Well, yeah that, too." Tony replied. "But I also need a favor."

"Oh, a favor? What kind of favor? Just so you know, I don't do sexual favors." She said, teasingly.

Tony laughed. "You're good you know that?"

Charity grinned. "So, that means it's not a sexual favor? Damn. I woulda done that for you." Her tone was teasing.

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

"No." she answered.

"See, I have no idea if you're kidding or not."

"And you never will."

Tony shook his head. "Okay, anyway the favor I need is if you have any ideas on pranks I could pull on McGee."

"Oh, why is that? I thought you were the king of pranks."

"I am, but I'm running out of ideas." Tony replied.

"You do realize, this is going to cost you." Charity replied. "My services are not free, nor am I cheap."

Tony grinned. "What is this going to cost me?"

Charity thought for a moment. "First thing that it's going to cost you..."

"Wait first thing?"

"Yes, I told you I'm not cheap."

Tony couldn't help but grin at Charity. She was quite entertaining. "Okay, what is the first thing it's going to cost me?"

"You have got to get me out of this house. Park, mall, cafe, I don't care where. I'm going stir crazy."

"I think I can manage that." Tony replied.

"Good then let's go get into some trouble."

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