Chapter 8

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Abby and Charity hopped on the elevator together, tears still in their eyes. But they were smiling. The doors opened and they stepped out to find everyone setting at their desks, filling out paperwork.

Gibbs looked up and saw that Abby had her arm around Charity and they were heading forward. He also noticed the unshed tears glistening in their eyes. "Are you two okay?"

Charity looked over at Abby. "We're okay, right?"

Abby nodded. "Yes."

Tony, Ziva, and McGee all looked up from their desks. "What's going on?" Tony asked.

"Well, we came up here to invite everyone out tonight." Abby said. "We are having a celebration."

Gibbs looked up at his daughter, a questioning look on his face.

"But we aren't celebrating my homecoming." Charity said, answering the question in her father's eyes. "I will explain more tonight."

"Where is this celebration?" Tony asked.

"The Eagle." Abby answered, naming a local bar. "So, are you guys in?"

"Sure." McGee answered.

"Sounds fun." Ziva agreed.

"Why not." Tony answered.

"Alright, The Eagle, seven tonight." Abby said.

"Welp, I'm gonna go home. I have a few things I need to take care of." Charity said. She gave Abby one last hug.

"Wait, I'll take you home." Gibbs said, getting up. Then he turned to his team. "So you guys tonight."

"See you at six, Abby?" Charity asked.

"Yup. I'll be over at your house with bells on."

With that, Charity and Gibbs left.

"So, Abby are you okay?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She asked.

"I have no idea, but when you came up, you and Charity had both been crying?" Tony asked.

"Oh, that." Abby said. "Charity just told me about what happened over there. It really got to me."

"Oh." Was all Tony could say.

"Okay, so I'll see you guys later. Remember the Eagle at seven." Then she headed out herself.

"This looks like it will be an interesting evening." Ziva commented.

"You know what I wanna know?" Tony asked.

"What?" Ziva asked, prepared for some juvenile answer.

"If we aren't celebrating Charity's homecoming, what exactly are we celebrating?"

"That is a good question." Ziva said.

"I guess we'll just have to wait to find out tonight." McGee said.

"That is one option..." Tony said, trailing off.

"Good lord, Tony. Don't you ever get tired of sticking your nose in other's business?" Ziva asked.

"No." Tony answered with a sly grin.

"You're such a child." Ziva said and then went back to her paperwork.

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