Chapter 25

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Three days later, the team was still working on the case and Charity had her first physical therapy appointment. Gibbs had tried to take her, but she insisted that the case was more important and she could call a cab.

Charity arrived at the physical therapy center and paid the cab driver. She got out of the car and headed inside. She gave them her name and paperwork that the doctor at the hospital had given her. They sent her to a room and told her her therapaist would be with her shortly.

Charity sat in a chair and waited. She looked around at all of the equipment. Then she heard the familiar voice. "Corporal Gibbs."

Charity looked up into the familiar face. "Serg?"


Abby sat in front of her computer processing some evidence, when she heard Charity enter the room. Abby turned around and looked at Charity. Charity looked a little tired. "How did your first physical therapy session go?"

Charity sat down in a chair. "My therapist was my Sergeant in basic." Charity replied.

"The one you played all those pranks on?" Abby asked.

"Yes." Charity answered. "She decided to take revenge and kick my butt."

"Why don't you ask for a different therapist?"

"You're kidding right? I can't do that. That would be saying I can't handle it. I'm a Marine, I can handle it." Charity protested.

"Got it." Abby said.

"So, do you know how the case is going?" Charity asked. "I'm not asking any details, just curious to see if it's any closer to being solved or not."

"Getting closer." Abby answered. "So, how'd things go with your mystery man the other night? Did you get your two years worth?"

Charity let out a groan. "No, we got interrupted."

"That sucks." Abby replied.

"Yeah. Good news is I've taken a lot of cold showers and almost finished the boat."

"Wow." Abby said. "Talk about being frustrated."

Charity nodded. "Well, I'd better be go see Dad. He'll be worried if I don't stop to see him and tell him what's going on."

Abby nodded and then gave Charity a hug. Charity returned the hug and then headed down the hall. She hopped on the elevator and headed up to see her dad. The doors opened and she found Tony, Ziva, and McGee all on the phones and trying to work on leads.

Gibbs came down from MTAC and spotted his daughter. He walked over to her. "How'd it go?" He asked.

Charity then explained to him about the sergeant and Gibbs couldn't help but grin a little. Once she'd finished her story, Gibbs asked her, "You need a ride home?"

"I can call a cab." She said.

Tony then walked over. "I was actually about to go and follow up on a lead. I can drop you off on my way." Tony said.

"That sounds fine." She replied.

"You okay with that boss?" Tony asked.

Gibbs sighed. "Yeah."

Tony and Charity then got on the elevator. The doors closed and they were alone together. Charity turned to him. "How close are you to finishing the case?" She asked.

"Not close enough." Tony answered.

"Looks like I'll be finishing the boat tonight." She said.

Tony gave her a quizzical look. "What?"

"I have to have some outlet for all this frustration." She answered. "Cold showers just won't cut it."

Tony grinned, enjoying the idea that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

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